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"How are you, my child? It's been a long time since I saw you, Juvia" Principal Makarov was pleased to see me.

"Indeed it's been a long while, master. Juvia is doing great. Hope to hear the same from you, master." I said with a smile and handed him my portfolio.

After taking a glance at it, master Makarov spoke,

"Juvia, I know how talented you are in swimming because I have personally seen your talents. 
       Even the certificates which you earned speaks volumes about your skills. I'm happy to say from tomorrow you can join our school as a swimming coach. 
     All the best, my child. Hope you enjoy your life here in Magnoliqa just the way you have felt from your first experience.
 Welcome to Fairy Tail once again."

Master's encouraging words brought a warm feeling with me which surely has raised up my hopes and confidence level.

Once the interview got over, I thanked master Makarov once again before taking my leave.

From there, I went to the sports faculty room which Erza-San showed me while touring around the school.

In these many years, our school hasn't changed much except for its lavish furnishings along with a few hi-tech campus facilities.

There I saw Cana-San and Mira-San who were extremely happy to see me.

Before I could greet them, they tackled into a hug which made me lose balance, we were down on the floor while Erza-San chuckled.

"How are you, girl?" 

"Where were you, Juvia? We missed you." They said simultaneously without breaking the hug.

It was Erza-San who helped us to get up from the floor. "So are you fine being here in Magnolia? No hard feelings right?"

Cana-San asked for which I nodded in agreement earning a smile from her.

"Juvia, here's your schedule. Your timing is from 10 AM to 5 PM, same as Erza. Got it?"

"Yes Mira-San" 

After chit chatting for half an hour catching up with our life stories.

It was time for Cana-San and Mira-San to leave as they had classes to attend.

"Bye Juvia. See you Tomorrow." They left, leaving me and Erza-San alone.

"Finally, you are back here with us, Juvia. So how are you feeling right now?" She asked me.

"Juvia is actually feeling happy for some reason. She had many things in her mind before coming here.
    But once Juvia set her foot in Magnolia, she gained confidence everything would turn out alright and no need to worry about it."

I said in a confident voice which made her believe in my words.

After spending sometime with Erza-San before she got busy with her classes. I took my leave and assured her I would visit her house during this weekend.

On the day of my arrival, Gajeel-kun and Levy-San had arranged a small welcome party for me where all my close friends came except for Natsu-San and Gray-sama.

It was Lucy-san who convinced me that they were both busy with their assigned case, thus, couldn't attend the party.

But I had a hunch that none of them would have informed him about my arrival.

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