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After leaving school, Juvia went on an extensive apartment hunt. But to her dismay, the vacant lodgings were more of family units then bachelor's pod.

But Juvia didn't lose her hope and decided to stroll around Magnolia. She was determined to find herself a place to reside by this evening.

That's when an idea struck her mind, "Why didn't Juvia think of this before? How can she forget this?"

Soon Juvia booked a cab and went to Portia street near the city hall.

It was the same street where she and Gajeel had rented an apartment during their school days.

Within an hour, Juvia reached her destination. As expected, Portia Street had many options within her affordable range.

It was the third floor flat of the Rose building which Juvia found as best. The owner, Mr Smith, is a kind old man who lived with his wife.

The flat was well furnished with necessary furniture. It had a small modular kitchen and spacious balcony for drying clothes and keeping plants.

Even the rent was affordable as it was just around 12K jewels per month.

After paying the token advance of 6K which she had brought along with her to the owner. Juvia departed from there.

She decided to stroll around the neighbourhood and get acquainted with it once again before going back to Gajeel's house.

There was a supermarket, Children's park down the street.

Two streets away from the park were the Magnolia Police Station. Basically, it was safe to reside all alone over here.

"Juvia is excited to live here once again."



It was 6:30 PM and still, Natsu hadn't come back from his promise.

He promised me that he would be early today and help me make arrangements for our princess birthday party.

It was particularly hard to arrange a party when there's an excited and curious kid around the house.

"I'm back. Luce, where are you?" Natsu called for me.

I left the ribbons on top of the table so that she can't reach it and went to the main door.

There I saw Natsu carrying Nashi's gift in his arms. "Wow, it looks really big in reality. Here, let me help you."

"Thanks, Luce. Come let's show this to Nashi. I want to see her smile and jump around." Natsu said with a smile which made me smile as well.

Really, I and Nashi are lucky to have Natsu as he's such a loving husband and a doting father.

Once we went to the living room and placed her gift on the floor. We saw Nashi playing with our pet cat, Happy.

"Nashi dear, look what has papa got for you?" My voice got her attention.

Once she looked towards us, her brown eyes widened due to surprise to see a gift probably larger and taller than her.

"Papa, Mama, what's this?" She asked us as she came near the gift and examined it while Happy followed her back.

We had chuckled and in unison wished, "Nashi dear, Happy Birthday. Go ahead, open your gift."

Once she slowly opened the gift, she was speechless when she saw the princess house set right in front of her.

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