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I got up around 8 am, a bit later than usual. I feel guilty for what I had done yesterday at the function.

It not only showed me as a weak spirited woman who was not able to let go of her past. 

But I also earned myself a tag, 'bad, selfish friend' for ruining my best friends' special occasion for my unreasonable outbursts.

I know that an apology won't suffice the feeling of hurt which I had inflicted on them.

This could lead to broken relationships between once and for all.

After my morning routine, I got ready for my work which happens to be in a cafe.

It was already running late so I decided to skip breakfast. 

Once I reached the 'Momo's Cafe', I was greeted by the owner, Sheryln Oliver, a pretty middle aged blonde woman who is a very nice caring and selfless person.

I have been working in this cafe since I finished my undergraduate degree. 

Luckily, I had good cooking and baking skills which earned me this job here.

Even though I have completed a degree in marine biology, the job opportunities related to my subjects were very limited, especially in Hargeon.

So when I was deciding my profession, I chose to work as a cook or baker as this was a hobby which made me relax whenever I was stressed out.

So why not we do a job of our hearts content instead of focusing on jobs just to fill our pockets?

"Juvia's sorry, Sheryln-San. She woke up a bit late. Sorry,  Juvia won't repeat it again."

I apologised to her for which she smiled and shrugged it off.

"Aren't you supposed to be on leave for the next two days, Juvia? How was your friends' wedding?"

She asked casually as she prepared the batter for the next batch of breads.

That's when I realized that I had asked for two days leave after Meredy-chan's wedding to relax a bit.

I facepalmed and told her, " Juvia forgot about it completely. It's okay, now she's here let her continue with the work."

I smiled and went to change into my uniform. I assured Sheryln-san that I was alright and happy to work.

Throughout the day, the flow of customers were favourable for us. 

My shift ends around 7 pm in the evening which was kinda okay, as I live alone and it's not that someone's waiting for me at home.

Even if my shift ends at 12 at night, it's okay with me. But my boss lady doesn't allow it as she's concerned about my safety.

After making sure, everything on my menu was prepared for serving afterwards, I called it a day.

Throughout the day, I was feeling nice and forgot about yesterday's event. 

Suddenly my mobile vibrated. It was a call from Meredy-chan.

I hesitated to attend the call as I still held the feeling of guilt but chose to push that thought away for a moment.

"Hello Meredy-chan, Juvia's extremely sorry......"

"Juvia-chan, Are you coming back from work?" Meredy-chan asked me.

"Yes, Juvia's on the way. She will be in half an hour." I was informed. 

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