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"So did you both exchange numbers?" Natsu asked me while sipping the contents of his drinks.

"Didn't I say no! We just spoke casually before she went back to her place." I exclaimed and looked at Gajeel who was giving a knowing look.


"Nothing much. I'm sure things are going to get serious from now on. Why don't you be true to yourself at least?" Gajeel inquired me while Natsu nodded in agreement.

It had been a week since I saw Juvia at Nashi's birthday party.

That night, I tried to be casual around her without probing much into her personal details like boyfriend matters, even though, I knew she was still single.

I expected her to bring up our break up matter but she didn't even speak a bit about it.

If she had questioned me anything regarding that, I would have at least told her my reasons.

But Juvia didn't. I was thankful in a way as I didn't want any kind of awkward situation on the very first day of our reunion.

When I thought everything was going on a perfect path towards the revival of my love life, her congratulatory wishes came as a halt.

I had planned to leave her at the footsteps of her apartment complex but her wedding wishes broke me apart.

It made me realise there was a pain in it, which she is carrying on herself for a long time and what made me even more guilty is that I'm the very reason behind her sorrow and pain.

Juvia must think how I never reconsidered in getting back with her even once, if only she knew, few things behind the screen.

When I thought, I can resolve the problem between us and resume our relationship after apologising sincerely. 

My dad's wish came as a halt and even at that Lyon was not clear about Juvia's feelings for me.

With deep pain and regret, I agreed to my dad's wishes, at least, he would be happy if it's not me.

Luckily, things took a turn and now I'm standing on my second valuable chance to get back with my one and only woman whom I had desired for a long time.

"Anyways, what about your wedding?" Natsu's question broke my thoughts.

"Oh about that, I have called off my wedding with Dianna," I said and drank my 5th glass of whiskey.

"WHAT??" Both Gajeel and Natsu asked in unison.

Then, I told them everything about Dianna's request and dad's decision in calling off the wedding.

Suddenly, both the idiots clicked their glass and shouted, "CHEERS" grabbing everyone's attention from the bar.

"Calm down, idiots" I shouted at them.

"Gray, this is the best decision you have ever taken. See make things clear with Juvia and both of you get back together." Natsu advised me.

I remained silent and kept on looking at my half-filled glass. "See Gray, we know how you wanted to get back with her. Then, why don't you get into the act?" Gajeel shared his piece of mind.

"Guilt is making me hesitate. See I have caused immense pain to her. Even if she decides to forgive me, I can't do that. I don't know what I really want to do now." Alcohol began to kick into my system and soon tears began to flow down my eyes.

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