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"Looks like Mr.Fullbuster has fully recovered, Mr.Gray. Just make sure he takes his medication seriously and without skipping his dose."

Doctor advised while seeing  dad's report to make sure his vitals are normal.

"Yes, understood, doctor. I'm happy that I'm finally going home." My dad exclaimed happily.

"Mr.Gray, now it's your duty to take care of your dad. ."

"Sure doctor. Thank you for your help. Dad, come let's go."

I carried the bag while Dianna who had accompanied me, helped dad in getting up from bed.

"It's okay, dear. I'm alright. Let me make myself useful." Dad exclaimed and kindly declined her help.

"Ok uncle, but don't strain yourself." She said with a smile and came by my side.

Once we reached home, luckily, I had cleaned up the apartment especially my dad's room as the place should be clean and hygienic, which I need to focus on seriously.

While dad was resting in his room, Dianna was cooking lunch for us.

"Thanks for coming today, Dianna." I said while entering the kitchen.

Hearing my voice, she was startled and turned around to look at me with a smile.

"It's okay, Gray. I couldn't visit uncle that day as I was winded up with some school work.
    Gray, can I ask you a favour?"

Her sudden question took me by surprise as in these three months she has never asked me anything for herself.

Soon her attention was back to the gravy she was making. I went near her and looked at her.

"What do you want Dianna? Let me, if it's within my powers to help out, surely I will do." I assured her.

"Can we just postpone this wedding for another three months?" She said in a serious tone without hesitation.

Her request brought mixed feelings within me. 

'Did Erza tell her about my past?'

Sensing my confusion, she spoke,
" Gray, I need some time to think about this marriage."

"Is it because of me? Are you having doubts whether I'm marrying just for my dad's wish?"

Dianna turned off the stove and turned around to face me.

"That may partly be a reason for this postponement. But I do have my personal reasons which I need to sort out before things go way out of my hands.
     For this to happen, I need your help Gray."

Then she told everything which she had bottled up in her heart. It really amazed me how both of us are actually standing on the same boat right now.

But one thing which made her different from me was she was ready to face the problem and sort it out once again unlike me who chose to run away from it.

Dianna left for her house on a happy note after having lunch with us.

'Whom am I to stop her from getting her happiness back? I'm sure this marriage isn't going to happen.' I thought to myself. 

Later at night, I decided to disclose this matter to my dad and hear out his opinion.


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