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"Okay boys, this is your last one minute. Let's see which team wins. Blue or Red?"

I shouted while the girls were cheering for their classmates.

As the timer stopped, I blew the whistle indicating to stop the game.

"Good job boys. It's a draw. Each team has scored 1 point. Next time try to outshine your opponents." I advised them and soon the school bell rang.

"Okay students. Disperse. Next class, girls be ready for your volleyball match."

"Yes Madam"

Once the students left the court, I went to the locker room to change back into formal wear after taking shower.

It was my third class since morning. Luckily, I'm free for the rest of the day.

"Hey Erza, luckily I found you. Gramps has called you for a meeting."

Cana Alberona, my fellow colleague and schoolmate informed me. She worked as a chemistry teacher.

"Hi! Oh I see. Are you free this hour, Cana?"

"Even I'm coming with you for the meeting. Wait Erza, let me just inform Dianna that Mira was searching for her."

Cana left me and ran towards the corridor where she was talking another teacher while I stood outside the sports faculty room.

Dianna is the one who is going to get married to Gray in another one month.

Ever since, I heard about this arrangement. Things which I had hoped for him began to crumble down.

Even though, parents decision played a major role in this. But how could he throw away his long time thoughts and get married to another girl.

I tried convincing him as I knew his heart still beats her name. But that stupid was adamant in his decision which lead to temporary break in our friendship.

And because of this I have also stopped talking to Dianna even though she is my colleague.

When I decided, it's enough beating around the bush and directly let out all the things which he has been hiding for the past ten years to uncle Silver and Juvia.

My advancement went in vain as at that time uncle was out of town and became seriously ill if I could speak to him.

Even things on Juvia's side was not good as Meredy didn't allow neither me or Jellal to meet up with her three months ago.

It was just three weeks back we came to know Meredy was going to get married to Gray's cousin, Lyon.

Of course, over the years she had mentioned about Lyon being her boyfriend but we never guessed he could be Gray's cousin as neither did Gray were mentioned about his cousins.

It was our plan to get Meredy close to Juvia so that the latter could become friends with her and watch over her on behalf of us.

Gajeel would frequently go to Hargeon to make sure Juvia was safe. Even though she has ignored us after breaking up with Gray. We couldn't let go of her.

Juvia didn't ever attend our calls nor texted any of us after she left Magnolia. We knew her reasons and decided to respect that.

Even though Meredy did tell us about Juvia from time to time, she never gave a clear cut opinion on Juvia's feelings for Gray.

We had a hunch that she would still harbor those feelings for him even after him being cruel towards her.

But things regarding this came to total stand still when Juvia and Meredy changed their shared apartment after my wedding.

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