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I continued my training with Miss Peregrine, I couldn't leave my family, I would feel like I was abandoning them. I'm so happy I stayed.

Enoch, Miss Peregrine, and I were in the kitchen preparing dinner. "Mr O'Connor," Miss P said. "Would you please bring me the bread?" He walked over to the basket and picked up a loaf. He placed it on the counter for me to cut into slices. I grabbed the bread knife, cute the slices, and handed them to Miss P.
"Perfect, thank you children." Miss Peregrine said as she put the sandwiches together.
We brought the food to the table and called everyone in. We all ate and talked about what we've done today. "I had a tea party with Olive and Bronwyn." Claire said. "I found some new flowers in the forest with Fiona." Hugh said. "I set a house on fire." Emma said. We all looked at her. She had a strange way of dealing with breakups. "Emma." Miss Peregrine said in a stern tone. "What did I say?" Emma put her head down. We continued our conversation. "I started studying pigs." Millard said, very enthusiastically. We try to be supportive, but Miss Peregrine and I were holding in laughter. "I had a very strange dream......it was about Magnolia." Horace said. I looked up at him. "She was unconscious on the ground," He continued. "Then someone picked her up..." He paused. "Then what happened?" Millard asked, impatiently. "Then I woke up." Horace said.
I started to feel a bit nauseous. And my mood changed drastically. "Miss Williams, are you alright?" Miss Peregrine asked. I shook my head slightly and left the table. I went to my room and laid on my bed...eventually I fell asleep.

It was just a bad dream that Horace had....that's all. But I couldn't stop thinking about it.

The next day.

I went downstairs to eat with the others when Horace made eye contact with me, he looked worried about something. I walked over to him to see what the problem was. "Horace, what's wrong?" I asked. He glanced at the floor. "I had a nightmare again." He said. "The person held you and started to cry as he looked at your motionless body." I let out a sigh. "Have you told Miss Peregrine?" He shook his head. "Please inform her on the nightmare you had so she can determine the seriousness of it." I said as I walked to the dining room. It was very strange for Horace to remember such dreams, thats what Im frightened of.

We spent the day learning more about peculiardom  in the library. The older kids read books while the younger ones listed to Miss P as she gave them information about different types of peculiarities.We spent about 3 hours there. It was very interesting to say the least, there's an archive in a very old loop that holds all the peculiar records, I am very exited to read more about it.

When it was time for a break, the little ones went to play with their dolls, the love birds went to play in the garden, Horace took a nap (he wanted to try and dream a happy ending), Enoch helped the girl's by adding moving dolls to the party. Bronwyn and Emma were talking about who knows what in their room, and Alexander and I were deciding what to do. He eventually went to talk with Millard about his pig studies. Now I was alone on the couch.
Minutes later, Miss Peregrine walked in. "Aren't you going to do something?" She asked as she sat down next to me. "I'm just thinking." I say blankly. She sighs. "If I may ask, what are you thinking about?" "Horace had another nightmare about me," I say, looking over at her. "I'm thinking about the possibility of it coming true." She looked down. "I heard about it." She says. "I won't let any harm come to my children." She hugs me. Her reassuring words filled me with hope, She is a wonderful mother.

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