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2 years later.

"Come on Magpie!" James called. I ran after him as we made our way to the cliff.
"What are we doing here?" I asked.
"Oh nothing..." He began. "Well, since No one's around-'' He leaned forward and kissed me. Our first kiss...

"How old are you again?" He asked as he pulled away. I chuckled.
"And you?"
"Uhhh doesn't matter."
We looked up as we heard a screech from above.
"Hello, Headmistress!" I called.
James back away from me as Miss Peregrine got closer. I stuck out my arm for her as she landed.
She screeched again, this time giving James a death stare.
"He was polite about it Miss." I was trying to save Jame's arse, I don't think it was working.
"Polite my arse, why was he touching you???" I heard her squawk, he obviously couldn't understand her.
"Calm down A-LeFay, it was just a kiss."
Does James have a death wish?!?!?!
"Would you shut up?" I said before Miss P could end his life.
"Have you lost your damn mind?" I asked.

Miss Peregrine flew back to the house, probably to change.

"I was just trying to lighten the mood." James said as we headed back to the house.
"Thanks to you, I have to write a speech." I said.
"For what?"
"Your funeral."

We headed back inside to find Miss Peregrine standing there with her arms crossed.
"What were you doing back there?" She asked.
"I don't see the huge deal, you let Fiona and Hugh snog all the time." James said.
My eyes widened at him, he wasn't supposed to say anything.
"They do what!!??!?!?!"
"Now you've done it." I said as I looked up at him.

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