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Miss Peregrine invited me to go flying with her today, so obviously I excepted.

"Ready to go?" She asked as she looked at me. I nodded, we both turned into birds and flew up. "Where should we go?" Miss P asked. "Let's fly near the beach." I suggest. She starts to fly towards the cliff, I follow but I can't keep up.

"It's beautiful from up here." I say as I look down at the waves. "Don't get too close." She warns. I obeyed and stayed far from the water. I turned around to look at the island from where we were, it was breathtaking. But I saw something else...a man hiding in the rocks. He was aiming something at Miss Peregrine. I screeched and pushed her out of the way just before she was hit by a large rock. I suddenly felt a pain in my chest as I fell into the sea.

The water was like ice, it felt like my feathers were being plucked one by one from my body a I almost froze. The salty water burning my throat as the waves pushed me under, I was gasping for air every chance I got.
Miss Peregrine screeched as she dived for me.

I woke up in a warm blanket, opening my eyes to see our worried headmistress holding me. I chirped at her and she looked down. "It going to be alright." She said in a hushed voice. I looked over slightly to see that the sun was going down. "Here, you need to eat something." Miss Peregrine said as she held out a blueberry to me. Blueberries are my favorite.

The next day.

"Okay," Miss Peregrine said as she placed a towel over me. "Try to change back." I focused for a few seconds but nothing happened. I looked up at her. "Oh no." She said under her breath as she picked me up. "What do you mean 'oh no?!'" I chirped at her. "We'll have to make a trip to Miss Avocet." She said. I tilt my head at her. "She has the medication we need to get you back to your human form." I nod. Miss Peregrine sets me down on the arm of a chair as she gathers some things into a small bag. "We don't have much time." She said as she quickly packed, she put one of my dresses in there as well. I flew onto she shoulder and we went downstairs so she could tell the children.
"Children," She began. "I have to go visit Miss Avocet with Miss Williams and I won't be back for a couple of days. I want you all to be on your best behavior, Bronwyn and Emma are in charge." At that she went out the door to catch the ferry in the present.

It was now 1946 in the present. As she walked threw town to get to the docks we got strange stares from people. "When will the ferry be here?" She asked one of the people. "About an hour." They said. She thanked them and we made our way to the pub. As she walked in huge angry looking men turned around to face her. "Look it's a bird lady." One of them said. I chirped a repugnant word at them, which made Miss Peregrine smirk.

She sat down at the bar and started a polite conversation with the man behind it. "What can I get you ma'am?" He asked. "Water." Miss Peregrine said. He smiled slightly. "One water coming right up." He went to get her a glass. One of the men noticed me and tried to touch my head, but I backed away. "Please keep your hands to yourself sir." Miss Peregrine said sternly, still looking straight ahead. "I've always wanted to pet a pretty bird." He said drunkenly as he grabbed at me. I flew up to avoid him. Miss Peregrine stood up. "I said no touching." She said in a harsher tone. The man backed away.

I flew back down to Miss P and perched on her finger.
The bar tender walked back with the glass of water. "Thank you."

Miss Peregrine held the glass up to her lips, but before she took a sip she smelled it to make sure it was really water. She placed it down and gestures to me. I leaned over and drank some of the water, I was parched. "It's nice of you to share with your pet." A boy said from behind us. Miss Peregrine turned to him, he looked about my age.

"She is not a pet." Miss Peregrine placed some coins on the counter and started to walk out the door. "Do you know where I could find a loop?" The boy asked.

Miss Peregrine turned her heal in his direction. "What did you say?" She asked, in slight confusion. "A loop, I need an ymbryne and I was told I could find one here."

I chirped and tilted my head at him, looking for any sign of untrustworthiness. "Come with my young man." Miss Peregrine said. He followed us, we ducked into a space between two buildings where we couldn't be seen.
Miss P leaned forward, looking into his dark brown eyes very carefully. "Alright, what's your peculiarity?" She asked, still not convinced. He raised his hand slightly, we looked over to see a rubbish bin fly up into the air. "Telekinetic." He said. "Names James Abram, nice to meet you." He held out his hand and Miss Peregrine shook it.

"Mr Abram, I am Miss Peregrine and This one of my wards, Miss Williams." She looked over at me, I nodded as a greeting. "We are on our way to Miss Avocet, you will be coming with us." She said. He nodded, his blond hair falling in front of his face.

"We will be leaving in..." She looked at her time piece. "5 minutes." We all head toward to dock and hop onto the ferry to the mainland. "Why isn't Miss Williams in human form?" Asked James. Miss Peregrine sighed. "she was hurt badly and needs a special medication that Miss Avocet currently has."

He nodded and looked at me. I chirped and jumped down to Miss Peregrine's lap, it was cold and if I stayed on her shoulder the wind might've carried me away. She cupped her hands around me for warmth. I looked up at James, he had nice facial features. "Have you ever been in a loop Mr Abram?" Miss Peregrine asked. He shook his head. "Miss Nightjar found me and told me where to find you." He said.

About an hour later we made it. We stepped onto the dock and headed for Derbyshire.
Once we got to the train station Miss Peregrine put me inside the inner pocket of her sweater. "Mr Abram here's your ticket." Miss P handed it to him. They walked into the train just as it's doors were about to close. They took their seats. "Tickets please." The man with a hole punch said as he marked the tickets. James and Miss P held out their tickets to him. "You don't look like mother and son." He said to them. "He's my nephew." Miss Peregrine said as a quick response.

Now that I think of it, I've actually never seen someone that looks like Miss Peregrine, she's very unique.

A few minutes went by...

"Hey lady." A man called from across the isle. He whistled at her, but she kept looking out the window. "You got a man?" He said, obviously he couldn't take the hint. "I could treat you right." She still didn't pay any attention to him. "Come on, I need someone in my kitchen." He said, this finally set her off. "Sir, if you would please stop harassing me." She said in a whisper shout. "What was that?" He said, obviously he heard her. "I said-''
The words she used made my beak drop in disbelief, and made James smirked. I heard the man scoff and turn around to one of his buds. "You're pretty badass." James said to Miss Peregrine. She slightly smiled. "I don't approve of profanity Mr Abram."

"Next stop Derbyshire!"

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