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Elise woke up in a good mood. "I just had the craziest dream ever." She told to Lizzie, who was getting ready for school. "Dream? Pretty sure you and Dexter are actually together." Lizzie chuckled at her.

"Wait, that was real?" Elise gaped at herself. "Yes, silly." Lizzie giggled, grabbing her bag from her bed. "You're going out early." Elise stood uo from her bed and head to the bathroom. "Well, I still have something to research in the library. The party last night made me forgot about it. I'll see you later!" Lizzie went outside their dorm. Elise just hummed because she was busy brushing her teeth.

After doing her morning routine, she was fixing her books on her bag. While doing so, her phone dinged.

"Hello?" She answered, not checking who it was.

"Hey, Elise!" After realizing it was Dexter who was calling her, she stopped what she was doing. "Oh, hey Dex!" She quietly squealed.

"I was wondering if you'd like to walk to school, together?" He questioned. Obviously, ahe agreed. "I'll meet you at your dorm in 5 minutes." He said before ending the call.

Elise held her phone dreamily, not expecting for the dream she thought was real.


Elise finished up everything that she needed to do before going out. In perfect timing, someone knocked on her door. Excitedly, she jogged towards the door, while carrying her bag, and opened it, revealing Dexter.

"Ready to go?" He held out his hand to her which she took. "Yep!" She answered. Together, they both went their way to the school.

"Dexter... Dexter Charming!"

Cupid waved a hand on Dexter's face, who was busy admiring his girlfriend from a far. "I'm up!" He slammed his locker door close and fixed his glasses. "I mean, hey, Cupid." He greeted.

"What is up with you?" Cupid then heard Elise's laughter. She was busy talking with her friends Raven and Maddie. "Oh..."

"I still can't believe that she's now my girlfriend!" He exclaimed, looking once again to Elise with a dreamy look. "Which reminds me, I still haven't asked her on a date."

"Um, why don't you ask her then?" Cupid told him in an obvious tone. "Yeah, but, I don't have a plan yet!" He told her, flailing his arms.

"Well, what does she like?" Cupid ask, making him go in thought. "Well, she likes the Enchanted Forest since it reminds her of the story her mom told her. And she likes stargazing..." He told her.

"How about you set up a picnic in the Enchanted Forest? I'm a hundred percent sure there's a place there where you can see the clear night sky." Her answer made Dexter smiled in glee.

"That's a great idea! I'll go plan it now." He walked away with a happy smile on his face. "You're... welcome..." She sighed sadly.



Dexter ran up to the said girl when he finally found her. Catching his breath first before talking, "Are you free this night?" He asked. "Yeah, why?" She answered.

"Do you want to go on a date later at night? At the Enchanted Forest?" Her eyes widened at his question. Smiling, she responded, "Of course! What time are we going?"

As mentioned before, she LOVES the Enchanted Forest. Sure it wasn't as close as the one her mother told her about but at least it there's something. What's more excellent is that, she's going there with Dexter!

"Raven! Maddie! You guys have to help me!" This time, it was Elise who was running and finding her friends.

"What's the problem?" Maddie asked while drinking some tea. "Dexter asked me on a date and I don't really know what to wear!" She exclaimed. Raven and Maddie looked at each other for a moment before smiling up to their panicked friend.

"Don't worry, we got this." Raven told her.

"What time is Dexter coming?"

The three where in Elise's dorm room. Raven and Maddie already finished Elise's hair and make-up and were just waiting for the boy to come. "Right about—" The three then turned their head towards the door because of a knock. "—now." Elise finished off.

She opened the door and was met with flowers right on her face. "Hey, Elise. Y-You look nice..." Dexter stuttered after taking the flowers off and saw her dressed up.

"Thanks." She exhaled, her nervousness building up. He gave her the flowers, which she accidentally frozed. "Oops..." She nervously laughed. Dexter just smiled at her for being cute.

"I'll take this, you guys go ahead to your date." Raven took the flowers from Dexter and pushed Elise towards him. She accidentally tripped which luckily, Dexter caught her before she falls off.

"Shall we?" Dexter questioned to which Elise nodded. Raven and Maddie giggled as the two went to their date. "She better tells us later what happened on their date." Maddie told Raven who agreed.

"You did all of this?"

After their walk to the Enchanted Forest. Elise was greeted with a picnic blanket spread to the grass with lots of food in it. Not only that, the trees that surrounded them were covered with fairy lights, lighting up the area. The best part is that they can see a clear view of the night sky which which showed the moon and the stars.

"Yeah, but I had some help from Hunter." Dexter told her. Then, they both sat at the picnic blanket. "You chose a very nice place." Elise commented while looking towards the sky. "Yeah, I remembered what you told me when we first met."

"You remembered all of that?" She was in awe on how he remembered everything she told him. "Well yeah, what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I don't." She grinned at his comment.

"You're an hexcellent boyfriend, Dexter." She said to him, holding his hand.

As they enjoyed the food that Dexter brought, they also enjoyed watching the starts twinkle and the moon shining from above them.

After spending the moments looking at the stars, they decided to wrapped it all off. They both stood at the same time making the same scenario earlier happened. Only this time, they were looking at each other and Elise's arms were resting on Dexter's chest. They stare at each other with wide eyes, shock to see the position they're in.

Then, Dexter's right hand cupped Elise's left cheek. He was still debating if he should kiss her or not. After a few seconds of thinking, he decided to man up and crashed his lips to her.

Elise was shock at first at his action, but quickly melted into the kiss after that. There, they stood under the moonlight as they share their first kiss together.

"Thanks for the wonderful date, Dexter."

After their moment earlier, they decided to go home with smiles on their faces.

"Anything for my girlfriend." Dexter said to her. Before entering her dorm room, she quickly pecked his lips, catching him off guard.

"Goodnight, Dex." She winked at him before entering. "Goodnight, Elise." He breathed out, dreamily.

꒰ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ꒱ . . . I'm so sorry for this cringey chapter.

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