Admiting feelings

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Katniss POV
It's been o month since school started, I have started to accept the fact the Peeta probably doesn't like me, but I mean me and Peeta are like really close as friends right now and I wouldn't want to ruin that, I think Finnick knows I like Peeta but I'm not sure.
Right now me and Peeta are walking home from school apparently the bakery is only a block away from my house so we walk home together most days.
We get to peetas house and I'm about to say goodbye but peetas hands stop me
"Wait" he says
"Is everything ok" I ask
" not really" he says
"What's wrong Peeta"
" well, I haven't told anyone about this, but" he pauses, still unsure weather he should tell me
" my mom, she kinda beats me"
I gasp
"Peeta that horrible, why would she do that"
"Cuz I wasn't a girl"
OMG peeta's mom beats, poor Peeta but why would he tell me first, I mean we are close but I'm sure he would have told Finnick first.
"I mean If you don't want to go in, you can stay over at my house, my mum and dad are on a business trip and I'm sure prims staying over at one of her friend rues place" I offer
"Would you?"
"Ye of course"
"Thanks" he says
"No problem"
We head over to my house, and both decide as schools in the morning, we will go to bed pretty much straight away.
"If u like you can borrow some of my dads cloths" I ask Peeta
"Thanks" he replies
There's a spare bedroom down the corridor so Peeta sleeps there.
I go into my bathroom and get into my pyjamas brush my teeth, I come out of the bathroom and see Peeta not wearing his shirt, OMG. Peeta is actually really muscular and fit and super strong.
"Hi" I say
"Hey" he says
In the corner of my eye I see him smirking.
Uh I thought I got over my feelings for him.
I climb into bed and Peeta goes to the split room and gets into his.
"Night" I shot/whisper
"Night cat"he replies
I kinda giggle, it's cute when he calls me cat.

I'm in my room listening to music when I hear a scream, my mothers scream. I run downstairs and mothers crying in the floor
"What's wrong" I ask
"It's dad he... he's... he's dead"
It takes me a minute to process this and now I'm screaming and crying
" DAD"
"You can't leave me"

I feel a hand on my shoulder, I am still not a hundred percent awake yet. But then I hear the voice, Peeta's voice, soothing me.
"I'm sorry I woke you"
"I don't mind"
"I'm sorry it's just a nightmare"
" do you want to talk about it"
"Umm no, it's too hard to talk about"
"That's ok, I used to get nightmares" he says "well goodnight"
He is about to exit the room when I say
"Peeta will you stay with me"
"Sure" he comes over and gets into bed next to me.
I look at him he looks at me
Then he does the unexpected
He kisses me, I hesitate before kiddo g him passionately back.
Yay Everlark is here, uh I was just dying to write this Bit.
Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favour

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