Chapter XVI

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Hermione POV

I recognised her as soon as I saw her talking to Percy.

I just wanted to know if she was as smart as I've heard. So I asked her about wandless magic.

I noticed she was nervous, but she accepted anyways. She was about to show us all when a woman entered the hall. She was gorgeous: beautiful long black hair and dark green eyes, was wearing a black sleeveless robe and was she was with a dog and a skunk. I noticed she was a goddess not only for her appearance or her aura of power, but when she aproached Annabeth and Percy, they bowed in her direction.

I needed to find out why she was at Hogwarts, but I couldn't spy on them, I was too scared she would pulverize me or something, plus I was in the middle of the ball.

'Wanna dance?' I asked Viktor, who nodded. We went near Percy, Annabeth and the goddess to try to hear them but they were talking in Greek, so I only could understand a few names like Dumbledore's, Harry's, Ron's and mine (why would a greek goddess talk about me?), I wished I knew more greek because I only had Ancient Runes for just one year and a half and they were talking really fast.

Percy POV

Annabeth was about to show us some kind of magic, which she didn't have, when I saw something on her expression that change from nervous to surprised.

I looked to the direction she was looking at and I saw Lady Hecate.

Just like Annabeth had done, we bowed our heads towards her and kneel one leg to the ground. Then, we went by her side.

'Lady Hecate, what are you doing here at Hogwarts?' Annabeth asked.

'I came to bless you with magic. Dumbledore accepted you at Hogwarts after I told you guys that the only thing that avoids you having nightmares is you two being together (and I know my son doesn't like doing the same potion every week), and it will be easier to Percy to train with a real partner. Plus, I know Harry Potter will be more protected with you two together, and you are needed in the second task. I think I came in the right moment because Mrs. Granger asked you, Annabeth, to perform wandless magic, but trust me. She and Ron Weasley are suspecting you too aren't wizards. Everything you need is upstairs in Percy's room. If you excuse me, I'm going to talk to my son ' the goddess of magic answered in greek.

I looked at Annabeth with a huge smile 'That's great! We will be together for the rest of the year!' I said back in English.

She seemed as happy as I was 'Yes! But what did she meant by "my son"? Is there someone like us here?' She asked.

'Yes, he's a teacher here. We'll talk to him later,'

Hermione POV

Then, the goddess disappeared. 

Annabeth asked Percy about someone like them, which I supposed it was demigods and Percy answered that there was one at Hogwarts! And was a teacher here!

When people started leaving the Great Hall, I run as fast as I could to the Gryffindor common room to look for one of the books I've taken out of the Restricted Section when Ron started yelling at me for how stupid I was because I had gone with Viktor to the Ball!

I guess some people are just jealous... but Ron was jealous of me for spending much time with his idol or was jealous of Viktor for spending much time with his best friend?

Annabeth POV

The day after the Yule Ball Percy and I didnt had classes because Dumbledore wanted me to "adapt to my new environment", as he called it.

Percy showed me the parts of the castle he knew, that even though it was like ⅛ of the grounds it was a lot, and introduced me to Severus Snape, the son of Hecate she had told us about before, and was the potions teacher.

Every guy and girl was staring at us in every meal, but, unlike Percy, I knew why. The girls did that because I unexpectedly appeared out of nowhere being the girlfriend of the guy they were flirting for like two months. And the next morning I understood why the boys did.

A guy apparently named Timmy Timblack came up to Percy, Hermione and I while we were going to my first class, Charms.

'Hey, babe, why don't you leave this idiot and come with me.' he said 'I'm more a man than he'll ever be'.

Something that came from the bathroom exploded, and Percy, incredibly furious pulled him with his arm against Tommy's his neck, who now was against a wass. He gave him his don't-even-try-to-steal-my-girlfriend glare, which is way worse than his death glare.

'Percy, leave it to me,' I said calmly.

He brutally released the guy.

I looked at him dead in the eyes.

'Dont. Ever. Say. My. Boyfriend. Is. More. A. Man. Than. You. Are' I said emphasizing every word with a punch or a kick in the crotch. 'You could lose a fight against a caterpillar' I said, judo flipping him.

The people that had surrounded us looked at him in disgust.

Timblack turned to Percy, his wand in his neck.

'Sectumsempra!' Timmy yelled.

Percy started bleeding as if an invisible knife was repeatedly stabbing and causing his skin bleeding wounds in a few seconds.

'Someone bring water' I said more calmly that I expected, pulling ambrosia out of my pocket and putting it in his mouth. Everyone was just shocked, staring at Percy's body as if they had never seen blood. 'I SAID SOMEONE BRING WATER! And call Professor Dumbledore and Madame Pomfrey,'

After hearing me yell, some of them runned towards the Headmaster's and the nurse's office and the rest of them pulled water out of her wand.

The cuts on his body stopped bleeding for a second but restarted again.

If only Will was here...

As if someone had heard my thoughts, Will, Nico, Dumbledore and Pomfrey appeared running down the hallway.

I was too scared to be happy that they were here, they seemed thinking about the same.

Will was murmuring a healing prayer and Dumbledore was carrying Percy to the lake. When he got there, he carefully put him in the water.

We waited a few minutes that seem like days but he finally came out of the water, completely fine like if nothing has happened.

Great first day of school, right?

The rest of the day Dumbledore told me I could stay with Percy while he was resting on the hospital wing, but I decided to go to the lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts to distract myself a bit.

Anyways, I tried to pay attention in class.

I had taken notes so much on the parchment that I didn't have anymore of it.

'Hey, Hermione, can I borrow one of you parchments, please?' I asked her.

'Yeah, of course. Look for one in my backpack.

In her backpack I found something that made me froze.

Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian.

Hey guys, I think I am moving too fast. Am I? Please tell me. Thanks for reading.

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