Chapter XIV

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Percy POV

It was the day of the Yule Ball. Even though Greeks don't celebrate Christmas, my mother had sent me a gift. Guys I don't know what Sally would gift Percy, please put ideas in the comments.

In my trunk, I founded a formalwear to use in the Ball, it wasn't a dress robe, it was more like a tuxedo with a green trident sewn into the inside hem of the back of the neckline where the label should have bees so I could only assume that it was Hecate's doing. Whatsoever, I didn't really care what I wore, so long as it was okay for the event.

I was about to leave my room to go to the hall when I heard a knock on my door.

Wondering who it could be, I opened the door only to be left speechless.

Her beautiful golden curls were glossy and pinned back. Her skin had a bright glow to it. Her deep grey eyes glistened and with her pretty long eyelashes flaming them.

She was staring at me grinning, as I stood there with my mouth hung open.

'Well, Seaweed Brain, are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna take me to your little ball?' she said.

'What're you doing here? How did you get in?' I asked.

'Well, when you called about your date predicament, I knew you weren't going to go with any other girls so I talked to Chiron and he had a word with the principal, Albus Dumbledore and arranged for me to come here,' she explained, then her eyes change to sparkling gray. 'Oh my gods Percy, have you SEEN the architectural brilliance of the structure of the castle? The turrets are so beautiful perfectly complimenting the-'

I leaned in and kissed her effectively cutting off her rambling.

'You have no idea how much I've missed you,' I said breaking the kiss and leaning my forehead to hers.

'I've missed you too,' she said almost touching her lips to mine. 'I'm so glad that Professor Dumbledore let me come here.'

'How long are you here for? Please tell me that you're staying here till the end of semester?' I said hopefully.

'I'm leaving tomorrow evening,' she said gloomily.

I sighted. 'I'm pretty sure we can change that'.

'Really? how?'

'We'll try to convince Professor Dumbledore'. I answered

We walked down the Great Hall and through the door with our arms still linked.

Gods, she is overwhelmingly gorgeous.

Everyone stared at us as we walked down the hall where the ball was being held.

There were probably as mesmerised by her as I was.

Romilda POV (bet you weren't expecting that!)

Ugh Percy! Why didn't that stupid love potion work?!

He was supposed to be in love with ME, not coming to the ball with some stupid blonde girl.

Who is she anyways?

She was quite pretty with her messy but elegant curls pinned back with framed by a plait with tiny little flowers. It seemed like a quite simple hairstyle but she pulled it off so well with the following off-white dress robe like the kind those Greek muggle women wear.

What? I know a lot about hair and clothes. Sue me.

She gave the illusion of a Greek goddess. Like Aphrodite (as I learned on my Greek Mythology Class), except for those calculating eyes that glared at the girls ogling Percy.

I had to figure out how close those two were, so I walked up to them.

'Hey Percy,' I said ignoring the blonde.

Percy turned his attention away from the girl to look at me for a second.

'Oh hey Romina,' he addressed me before gazing back at her.

'It's Romina. So... Percy... whose this? I asked rubbing my hand on his arm.

'Hmm? Oh, this is my beautiful girlfriend Annabeth,' he said joyfully.

Girlfriend? GIRLFRIEND?! He had a GIRLFRIEND this entire time?!

Wait, relax, maybe they only just started dating.

'So, how long have you two been going out?' I asked.

'About a year and a half,' Percy said causing me to scowl.

'Yeah, but we've known each other since we were 12,' Annabelle-or whatever her name is- said.

I huffed, stomping away.

Percy POV

I stared,confused, as Romilda marched away.

'Well that was odd,' I commented.

'It's not odd Percy, she obviously has a crush on you,' Annabeth replied trying to hide a laugh.

'What? Romilda? No way! She probably sees me as the idiot who managed to win the first round of the tournament,' I said.

She rolled her eyes. 'Oh, yeah, the tournament. How's that going?' she said.

I chatted away with her holding her hand and catching her up with everything that's happened since I came to Hogwarts.

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