Chapter XXII

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Will POV

After Rachel told me that she was feeling that something was worng at Hogwarts, which turned out being that guy attacking Percy, Nico and I came to save him, and then I decided to stay there to learn more methods of medicine, but not accepted as a student. But then the rest of the Seven, Nico and Thalia came and Hecate decided to bless me with magic, so now I am at Hogwarts as a student.

After showing them the castle, we decided to go to train in the Forbidden Forest because, what better place to train that in one filled with monsters? Plus, it was almost midnight and no one could see us sneak out of the castle.

We also went with Hermione Granger to teach her more about the godly world.

If you never went to the forest before, it is a very old place that holds many secrets and houses creatures, some dark and dangerous, others friendly.

We went so deep into the forest that we could see multiple magical creatures, but none of them mythological, except a couple of centaurs, who turned out to be friends of the party ponies.

We were all telling Hermione information about the godly world, when suddenly Nico froze.

'Guys, stop. I feel something,' he said. 'There. It's a mortal' He said the last sentence in Ancient Greek pointing to nowhere.

He went to the invisible people and took out something that looked like a cloak, and under it was Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

'What are you DOING here?!' Hermione asked furiously.

'How did you knew we were below the cloak?' Ron asked Nico. 'And what did you do to those Centaurs so they bowed towards you?'

'I just heard you. We Americans just respect all creatures,' my boyfriend lied.

'P- P- P- Percy,' Annabeth stuttered with a tiny voice pointing at a gigantic spider.

He pulled out Riptide and with a quick movement killed the Acromantula.

'I don't know how did you just do that, but we need to move. In that direction is a whole colony of Acromantulas, and I'll tell you from experience that is not nice,' Harry said.

'Nah, lets go to that colony!' said Leo.

'Hades, no,' Annabeth said and Ron nodded in agreement.

We walked looking for monsters whilst Harry and Ron asked us questions like 'why are you here?' 'you know it's forbidden, right?' 'where did you get that sword?' 'how did you killed that spider so quick?'.

'In Hecate's Academy we do a lot of physical fighting, in case you lose your wand or something, so Dumbledore let us come here to train,' Piper lied 'Hermione is here to learn about...what is that?'

A winged horse with a skeletal body, a reptilian face and tanned-looking wings reminiscent of those of a bat. Thanks to Hecate's blessing, I recognised it as a thestral, who bowed towards Percy.

'What are you looking at?' Hermione asked.

'Yeah, theres no one there,' Ron said. 

'A Thestral,' Percy answered her while stroking the creature's head 'they are creatures that only visible to those who have seen death,'

'Who did you seen die?' Ron asked.

'We had our own war too, so we all have seen lots of friends and family die,' Frank said gloomily.

Ron let out a quiet "Oh".

I felt guilty. If only I was more talented at healing I would have saved those people.

'Why don't we start training against each other?' Nico suggested to change the subject after looking at me. 

'Yeah, let's do that,' Hazel agreed.

'You should probably go,' Hermione said to Ron and Harry.

'What if we don't want to?' Ron said.

'You can stay if you want to,' Jason said.

We stated training.

Harry POV

What the hell is happening? First, Ron woke me up to spy on them. Then, we follow them to the Forbidden Forest. After that, we found Centaurs who bowed to them, which Centaurs never do. Percy killed an Acromantula with a sword he had on his pocket, but before it looked like a muggle pen. They are able to see creatures only the ones who have seen death can, and said they had a war I've never heard of. Percy looked like he was talking to the Thestrals. And then they started fighting each other?

They were really weird.

Maybe it's an American thing.

It didn't seemed appropriate to ask them why they were like that, so I realized that we need to befriend them. I mean, Hermione is their friend, right?

'Hey guys, why don't we play truth or dare?' I asked while we were going back to the Gryffindor common room.

'Sure, why not?' Leo said.

Even though it was like 2am, we entered an empty classroom.


'Nico, truth or dare?'

'Dare,' he said, as if he would never answer a question about himself.

'Tell us about something Will doesnt know about you,'

Nico smiled and looked at his boyfriend.

'Will and all his siblings talk Italian (their father loves music and Italian is the language of music), and until this moment, Will had no idea my first language is Italian and him and his siblings completely gossip over his crush on me and I just hide the fact that I know what they are saying so I can know everything that Will says about me,' he said smiling at Will's reaction.

His boyfriend looked shocked but the rest of us burst out laughing.

'Annabeth, truth or dare?' I asked her.

'Hummm... truth' she answered.

'What was the worst thing you ever had to do?' I asked.

She looked at Percy. 'I... I dont wanna talk about that. I'll do dare,'

'I dare to tell us what is the worst thing you ever had to do,' I insisted.

'Never have I ever-' Annabeth said.

'That's not the game!' I said.

She looked at Percy gloomily. 'She said she won't talk about that,' he said, as if he was about to threaten me.

'Okay, that's alright. But I don't understand why don't she want to, she looks like she've been to hell and back,' I said trying to understand what is going on.

She burst into tears and hugged Percy, who was saying things like 'its okay, it's over now'.

The rest of the group looked at me angrily.

'Well, I think it's time to go back to the common room. Is getting a bit late already,' Frank said.

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