Chapter 3 - Abduction

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🎶"Good mornin'
Good mornin', we've talked the whole night through
Good mornin'
Good mornin' to you"🎵

Oh dear! Morning already? I have to take shower I went straight to bed last night. I have to think about what to wear... I mean I already decided - just that turquoise sports bra, white "boyfriend" tank top and that gray leggings.

As I'm letting the water rain on me I'm just imagining his face. I love his nose, it's just so perfect!  Don't understand how can someone's nose fit so perfectly to the whole picture and be gorgeous on its own... and he has that habit of scrunching his nose and it's so adorable. Black hair in perfect haircut - nothing messy, straight and smooth. His piercing brown eyes, smoothly looking lips I want to kiss and that nose! No need to mention his muscular body!

But we're just friends... well, less than that...just classmates. We're at the same year, have most of our classes together and we worked on some group assignments together. And also we go jogging with the group sometimes. I used to hate jogging but I started because of him. Now I think I can say I like it but also I need to stay in shape to have something to show when we go jogging together.

When I get back after jogging I have to start with that assignment for Ms. Rodney class! International law is soooo weird! I hope it's the last assignment because I have to start getting ready for my finals. And my internship is finally giving me some interesting work so maybe soon my own cases will come.

I know I shouldn't get distracted by him but I just can't help it. Oh! It's cold! Did I just used all the warm water?! God! This house is killing me! But definitely better than a dorm. This neighborhood is neat and everything but this house! It needs a lot of work. Ok, I'm done with the shower - I started jogging but showering with cold water? No way Jose!

I prepared my clothes already but shouldn't I wear something else? I don't know... Seriously?! A hole in my leggings? Oh wait! I think I saw another gray leggings in Michaels room when passing by an the way to the bathroom. Let's see... Michael is still sleeping, that's good. Yep! Found it! Now just quietly get away.

I'll take a bite on a way back. It's not good to run with a full stomach anyway. I'll just grab my key and a phone and I'm ready. Such a beautiful day! I can hear birds chirping, I can smell the freshness of the morning... it will be a good day. Is someone behind me?

"What the...."


Ughh! That hurts! My head... I'm laying belly on on something that's moving. I think I'm on a back of a horse or what? I hear heavy breathing and the noises of something getting through the leaves and bushes. It's dark, do I have a bag over my head? Or is my whole body in a sack? I can feel the fabric touching my back...This is crazy!

That animal stopped. A pair of hands grabbed my legs, other pair grabbed my hands and gently laid me on the ground.
"It's not her! You stupid assholes! Should I kill you, you useless fleabags?!" I heard and I also heard something like growling.

"Alpha, I'm sorry but she's your mate, not ours! How can we identify her smell when it's so messed up? And she has the same leggings like yesterday! I'm tired after the whole night out just after that rally we had and I know that's not the excuse not I'm trying to whine but this is how it is!"
Wow! I guess by another growl his boss is not happy with that answer.

"I know you're my Beta but you're crossing the line." Yep, boss is not happy. But what's with all the Greek letters? Is that some kind of a club or something? Lately we got some letters from neighborhood watch that probably a gang is walking around and damaging some properties - could it be them?

"She's up now so what if we just ask her?"
Another guy's voice. How many is there? Four hands, I bet boss didn't bother, so that means at least 3 man including the boss and one animal. And how could he know I'm awake? I didn't make a sound!

"No! Let's take her back to that house. You probably got the right house but that mean she's not living there alone. Let's go!" Hands are grabbing me again and putting me back on that animal-something.
"Hey! What's going on? Where am I?! Let me go!" I'm trying to move but then the animal starts moving fast.
"Don't move if you don't want to fall down."
A new voice advised me. It came from like underneath me... this is definitely the weirdest thing ever. How am I not scared?! I'm being kidnapped probably by a group of some cult group, I have no idea where I am and I'm in the sack. Am I even sane? Did I really wake up in the morning?

The animal stopped. Somehow I'm standing now and the fabric covering me is being lifted. Ouch! It's too bright! I recognize the park next to our house and in front of me is...


Thank you for reading ❤️

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