Stars of the Night Sky - Chapter 4 - The Evitable Becomes Inevitable

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 Ink woke to the sound of talking outside. He knew that meant someone was outside, so he put on his armor, ignoring the fact he hadn't polished it so it looked dirty, and walked out. His eye sockets widened at the sight in front of him. Dust and Horror?! Why were they here?!

"Hm? Oh, it seems you've finally started your trip here, Squid." Horror mocked, stepping closer. He practically towered (get it? Castle tower?... I'll uhh- see myself out...) over Ink, but he didn't flinch or step back, He just kept his voice level.

"Actually, I'm here to train the prince. I'm not leaving, and if you try anything I'll be w a t c h i n g ~" Ink purred, lifting his chin to look Horror in the eye sockets, and plastering a smug grin on his face. Horror narrowed his eyes (not the only time I'll be too lazy to type the whole thing-) and stepped back to stand next to Dust, who was much taller and also, probably the scariest monster Dream would have seen so far. Time for Ink to get Dream out.

"So, how're you planning on leaving with the prince? Are you gonna kidnap him, or will you just take his power?" Dust asked smoothly, keeping his voice monotone, though still threatening to anyone except Ink.

"I'm not a reprobate-" 'Debatable...' Dust murmured, cutting Ink off. "-I'll bring him with me without having to lose anyone's trust, and I'm not planning on just stealing him for my kingdom like you would. I'm doing what I must for the greater good, you're doing what you want for your own amusement."

Ink noticed someone looking at them. Ah, great. The other prince, and his guard. Just fucking perfect. Ink turned to them and noticed the small guard looking startled. The Prince was looking wearily at Ink.

"I knew you couldn't be trusted." Nightmare growled, moving closer to his guard.

"I knew you thought that, but honestly I'm just trying to stop these 2 from kidnapping your brother."

"Hah! Just talking to us won't solve the issue! You'd need to-!" Horror was cut off by a purple flash as Unlust ducked out the door with Dream. Ink smirked and followed behind quickly.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhh that was terribleeeeeeeee..."

"Why'd you have to grab me?! I was tired!" Dream asked, rubbing his eyes.

"The killer squad was there."

"Oh..." Dream looked up and brightened instantly. "Ink! You're alright!"

"Heh... Yup. Thanks, Unlust, I probably wouldn't've gotten him out without help."

Unlust smiled kinda shyly. "Heh... y-you're welcome Ink... It r-really wasn't a big deal."

"Wasn't a big deal? Of course it was a big deal! You saved a prince!" Ink smiled, knowing how much Unlust loved being praised when he was his guard.

Unlust smiled a little. "Heh... t-thanks... anyway, we should probably figure out how to deal with them. Any ideas?"

"I've got one, but I'll need Dreams permission to use his weapon for it."

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