sorry if you thought this was a new part-

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I feel as though my incorrect quotes for this book that are on Tumblr are unappreciated, so I'm putting them here so my few followers will see them (if they want to :|)

soooooo~, no context incorrect quotes! uwu

(spoilers for characters later on in the story btw-)

NS!Flower: so our kingdom fell apart before our very eye sockets...

NS!Flora: Eh.

NS!Flower: your loving parents got crushed under the rubble

NS!Flora: Eh.

NS!Flower: Your bride was brutally murdered before the castle fell apart.

NS!Flora: Eh.

NS!Flower: Your leg broke from being crushed under the weight of the castle walls.

NS!Flora: Eh.

NS!Flower:...I got stabbed before the castle turned to ruins.

NS!Flora: W H A T

*Monotone unbreaking completely deadpan screaming*

-NS!Flora, after his whole dang kingdom fell apart

NS!Dream: *Cuddling Cross because he's tired*

Anon: awwww...

NS!Killer: *Cuddling Nightmare because he's tired*

Anon, a little scared: a-awwwwww...

NS!Flower: *Cuddling Flora because he's tired*

Anon, now completely terrified because Flora looks like he's about to kill if they come any closer but also them cuddling is still adorable: a-a-awww..?

New Anon: hello

NS!Dream: Hi!

New Anon: are you mail or femail

NS!Dream, deciding to troll the Anon: No I'm Gmail.

New Anon: you mean gay.

NS!Dream: no-

NS!Cross, Ink, Blueberry, Nightmare and Killer: y e s

NS!Ink: hmmmm...

NS!Ink: perfect!

NS!Blueberry, reading what Ink edited the gym trainer to say: 'You're pretty hot, but not as hot as Brock'?

NS!Dream: HUH

NS!Dream: what pride flag is that.

NS!Dream: oh

NS!Dream guessed the word!

the word was: 


NS!Blueberry: I'm glad I became friends with people who aren't idiots...

NS!Dream: I drank the stuff under the couch and now my head hurts...

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