Chapter 2, Fan-Fiction

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     Jason sat in the corner of his garage with his webcam on as he live-streamed his latest thoughts about the most legendary hat to ever walk this earth.

     "Hello, my beautiful bros of the internet! As many of you already know, we have had the honor of being the first ones to ever experience the wonders of the awesome hat!"

     "As you would expect, I am going to join this new era of fashion, and become the greatest model who ever lived! "

     "In order to pull off this great stunt, however, I will need my most legendary fans to join my crew!"

     "Fan-Expo is just around the corner, so I was thinking since many of you bros will also be attending, that will give you a chance to prove your power to me once and for all! Best of luck to all of you, that's all I wanted to say, for now, peace out bros!"

     Jason's outro started playing through his screen as 'Push It To The Limit' blasted through his speakers. He screamed, 

     "Let the training montage begin!"

      He ran up to his bathroom, whipped out his gel from his massive collection in his top drawer, and spiked up his hair like Goku. He knew this time for sure, he has gained the courage to finally go 'super-sain' for real!


     A few days passed by and Fan-Expo has officially begun. Jason was sitting at a 'My Little Pony' panel, totally ripped, in a Goku cosplay. The audience around him consisted mainly of really fat, or really scrawny individuals.

      Suddenly, the entire audience heard loud footprints stomping over towards them. As they turned around, they spotted a slightly short girl wearing a historical looking hat and a T-shirt with a humanoid gumball wrapping his arms around some sort of fish. She also seemed to have some sort of bag full of notebooks. 

     She looked over at Jason with eyes so wide you would think she just saw an elephant barf up a lawnmower or something. She screamed, 

      "Jason! No way! I have been stalking you over the internet for years!"

     " I am a huge fan of your works, I even started writing my own fan fiction of you! I must have shipped you with every person, place, or thing you can think of at this point!"

      "Please let me join your crew! If we team up, we will be able to find the awesome hat for sure!"

     Jason had just received a really strange vibe. He knows it is weird for someone to be stalking you like that, but as a nerd himself, he understands. He also seemed to be digging the attention. 

     Shall I accept it? He thought. No! I must first receive proof she will be of use to me! Jason gave her a sincere face and asked, 

     "Alright bro, I realize you are a fan of mine, but that doesn't prove anything. I think you will need to give me more of a reason than that."

      The girl started to panic. Suddenly, she thought of something. She reached into her bag and pulled out a notebook as she said,

     "You see this! I am a professional fan-fic writer. One of the best in the industry actually, if you let me join your crew and find that awesome hat, I can ship you with anyone or anything that you want!"

      Muttering started to build up from all around. Jason seemed to be getting extremely excited. 

     "Holy cheese flavored barnacle sponge bro! Every nerds' biggest dream is to be able to be shipped with whoever they choose! Of course, you can join my crew!" He screamed.

     Two security guards started walking over towards them. Jason grabbed a hold of the girl's arm and said, 

     "We got to run" They took a sprint for it. As they ran away you could hear the girl screaming, 

     "But I still need to check out the 'Wattpad' pannel!" They darted out the door, hopped into a white Toyota sprinter, and drifted away with running in the 90's playing in the background.

     Dude and Dude seemed to be quite intrigued by how their story is going so far. 

     "Dude, didn't Jason technically just kidnap that girl?" asked Dude.

     "Nah Dude, kidnapping with consent isn't really kidnapping anymore Dude," replied Dude. 

     "Well yeah Dude, but I don't remember ever hearing her agree with it Dude." 

     "I guess so Dude." After a short break in conversation Dude decided to speak up once again.

      "Um Dude, usually when we flash over to ourselves in the story, we are supposed to come up with some way to change what is happening. Don't you think we should do something Dude?"

     "I guess Dude, but I can't really think of anything to change at this point Dude." 

     "We could always make his car randomly explode or something, that would be pretty epic Dude."

     "Dude! This isn't a 'Michael Bay' movie Dude!" 

     "Yeah, I guess you are right Dude. I just really want to see it happen. I agree it would be really random, but this is a comedy series and usually while writing comedy, it needs to be unexpected. In comedy, random events don't feel as weird Dude." 

     "Yeah, your right Dude, I guess we can do it just this once."

     Jason drifts across a corner in the road when suddenly, the entire car blows up and sends them both flying into a dumpster.

The Awesome Hat, Hillarious book for nerds!Where stories live. Discover now