chapter 12, the underground

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     Looking down the gross street covered in veins, the investigator noticed a green, troll-like creature heading her way. 

     Considering there was an alleyway to her left, she knew she could have run right through it and hid there. The hat on her head right now, however, had a deep power to grant absolute confidence to whoever wears it.

      She marched right up to the troll and said. 

     "Hello, sir?" The troll looked at her with a strange expression and replied,

     "A human? How did you get here?"

      "This hat was dropped off at a secret base on my planet, and somehow by putting it on, I ended up here!" She responded proudly. 

     "Oh, I see, you must have been summoned here by accident after finding a product of this world." said the troll. 

     "If that's how it works, then I guess so," She responded.

     "I was wondering, do you know anybody by names Dude and Dude?" Asked the detective. 

     "I'm sorry, it seems the way we speak of names doesn't work the same with humans." replied the troll.

      "What do you mean?"

      "Well you see, for some reason, even though we all feel like we have different names, and understand who everyone is referring to, we noticed humans just think of us as all the same." replied the troll. 

     "Anyways, I really need to get going, I have a job interview at a maid-cafe coming up soon and I am running late." He said as he continued down the street.

As the troll left, she walked over to one of the buildings and sat down in front of it. 

     "Oh yeah, that's right!" She said as she reached into her suitcase and pulled out the notebook. She looked down at the first page and noticed something was written down on it.

"Greetings, my name is Drop. I have a copy of Dude and Dudes' next work that we are the characters of. "

"Upon reading the latest update in the story, it seems you have made it to their world. This is of course if you actually exist or not."

     " If you are reading this right now, you are our last hope in taking down Dude and Dude. Dude and Dude are heading down to a Simpsons themed maid café as you are reading this right now. You must kill them."

     "Upon studying many other books written about Dude and Dude from those above them, I have now discovered their weakness."

     "While traveling in the underworld, humans gain powers greater then all of them combined however, it turns out you need so much confidence to use it that no human who traversed their lands has ever unlocked it."

     "With that hat, however, you seem to have gained confidence that will drive you to do absolutely anything. Also, odds are the hat brought you very close to the area it was summoned from, this means you won't need to travel far to find them."

     "Go out there and search for that maid-café and destroy them once and for all! Trust me, with the confidence that hat has given you, you will know what to do."

The detective stood up proudly and thought,

     So all the tales of Dude and Dude were right all along! Guess I better become history and do what I was sent here for! Dude and Dude, you are going down! 

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