➣ Present: Yoongi & Taehyung

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Yoongi has a nightmare. 


It felt like he was going to die.

Every single muscle screamed for this to stop. Bones neared their breaking point and begged for an end to their suffering. Everything inside of him said that there was a way to stop this. A way for his suffering to quit. For his pain to ease.

But the scent of vanilla danced heavily in the air, and he knew he wasn't doing this for himself. Arms wrapped around the swell of his belly protectively, a vain attempt at keeping the precious little life inside of him safe.

All he had was his child. And he was never going to give him up.


Someone was speaking. Saying his name. Whispering it into the void. There was a hand on his shoulder and he jerked desperately, trying to avoid the blow that was surely going to follow. Wrapped his arms down around the swell of his bump and curled in on himself.

But that voice only grew louder, clearer, more concerned, drawing him out of the nightmare and back into reality. And it wasn't vanilla that fell over him then. It was the distinct bloom of cherry blossoms, thick and full.

A different child. A different life. His son was fine. Seokjin was safe. He was with his alpha, and he had placed his faith entirely in Jungkook. Knew that he would die before he allowed any harm to come to the tiny omega and the child he was currently carrying.

"Yoongi?" There was that voice again, and he twisted as he forced himself up, arms stretching out behind him.

"I'm okay." Not his mother's voice, but his mate's. Taehyung's deep tone reaching out to him in the dark of night. "It was just a nightmare."

"Must have been a pretty bad one." It kept happening. And the first time it had been so bad he had woke in tears. Had stumbled out of bed and across the hall and had almost collapsed when Jungkook had answered the door, begging to be allowed to see Seokjin. His son had spent an hour with him curled up on the floor, holding him tightly and whispering soft little words into his ear. That they were fine. That they were both alive. That he had protected him. That he had kept him safe. They were together and they always would be.

Explaining to Taehyung had almost been embarrassing. But he'd only nodded. Had said that it made sense. That it was alright. That he could deal with it for his mate and for his child. That the little one was a boy probably made it even worse. A probable omega that just played tricks on his mind.

"I thought I was going to lose him." How he had managed to somehow not miscarry through every single thing he had been put through, all of his mother's beatings and the constant stress was completely beyond him. Seokjin had been strong from the moment he had been conceived, a force to be reckoned with.

Or maybe someone had known that he needed an angel to save him.

"But you didn't. He's fine, babe. He's right across the hall with Kook." Part of him wanted to get up and go see for himself. But he knew that his son was exhausted. That he was exactly as far along as he currently was. So instead he tried to ease his own mind. Knew that he was right across the hall. That he would see him in the morning. Wrapped his arms around his bump and smiled as he felt their little one kick in response.

"I know." Rationally he did. So he forced himself to take a deep breath. Shifted until he could lay on his side facing his mate. Drew the pillow he had been cuddling over and adjusted it until he found something almost comfortable. "We still haven't thought of a name."

"I told you I liked Taejin."

"I am not naming my son that."

"Why? It's after his daddy and his big brother. It's perfect."

"I was thinking Taeyang." Silence fell over them, for so long that he honestly wondered if the other had simply fallen back to sleep.

"Why do you have to be so smart?" It was soft whine, and he let out a laugh at the sound. But it was enough to make him forget about the dream, about the past. To focus on the brightness of the future.

"I've done this naming thing before." He was exceptionally proud of Seokjin. He really did have to pat himself on the back for that one.

"Soomin and Taeyang. I like it." Their babies were going to grow up together, despite how strange it might have seemed. Cousins who would hopefully become the best of friends.

"Me too." 

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