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"There's my gorgeous boy." There had been a moment of panic the second that door had opened and he was being swept up into strong arms. Because they went directly to his waist and pulled him in so tight he knew for certain there was no way the swell of his belly couldn't be felt, even beneath the layers of clothing he wore. "I was starting to think I'd lost you again."

"I'm sorry, alpha." It was a soft whisper, pressed into the crook of the other's neck. Because Jungkook had inadvertently spoken the truth. He had lost him again. This one was just premeditated. "I just wanted to spend time with Yoongi and Hobi before they left."

"It's fine, baby. I know how important they are." They had pulled away, and those hands had instantly gone down his hips. So incredibly close that he was certain the difference could be felt there as well. And it took him a moment before he realized that his panic was probably affecting his scent and he tried to force it back to normal. "But I'm gonna take such good care of you."

"I would love that, daddy." Maybe it wouldn't be so terrible, the repercussions that would occur if he told this one little truth.

"So that means you'll say yes if I ask you to move in with me?" He would have. God, he would have. A month ago he wouldn't have even hesitated. But now -

"Are you sure that's really a good idea? I mean, we've only been -"

Dating? Is that what they were doing? He didn't even have a proper name for what this relationship even was.

"Don't be silly, baby. I keep telling you, don't I? I know how to get what I want. And you? Are exactly what I've always wanted." An absolutely perfect omega, from the bleached blond tips of his hair all the way down to his toes.

"Kookie, I -" Wanted it. He wanted it so badly. Wanted to just say yes. Wanted to just let everything come spilling forth. Maybe it was the hormones affection his thought process, or the way that he seemed so incredibly drawn to the alpha who's child he was currently carrying. But his mind was no longer working properly.

Which was probably what Yoongi had been trying to warn him about.

"Take some time and think about it, babe." Jungkook always seemed to know exactly how hard to push. Never enough to make him bristle, but always just enough to implant the idea within his mind and make it impossible for him to get rid of it.

"Okay." There was a hand skimming across his front, and he felt his entire body jerk at the sudden sensation. Realized belatedly that all Jungkook had been trying to do was lift it, considering those fingers were curling beneath his chin a moment later, tilting his head upwards so their eyes could meet.

"You're acting strange, omega."

"What? No. Such a silly, alpha. Everything's fine." Everything was definitely not fine. Because that other hand was repeating the same movement, only it was traveling across instead of up, and he felt his whole being react to it almost violently.

"Stop lying and tell me what's wrong, Seokjin." That hand was currently splayed against the place where his stomach swelled, and he was completely certain that there was no way Jungkook hadn't figured out the source yet.

"I'm just bloated, alpha. It's... it's that time, you know?" The opposite end of his cycle that was truly almost as bad as going into heat.

Those dark eyes glanced downwards between their body, to where that hand currently rested. And without even hesitating he reached for the hem of the thick sweater, grasping it and tugging it upwards.

"No!" He practically jumped away, only the action didn't make the alpha lose his grip on the cloth. No, it only hastened the action, until his entire torso was placed on display.

"That's way more than you being bloated, Seokjin."

"Can you please just..." His hands reached for the edges of his sweater, weakly attempting to tug them down so he could cover himself back up. "It's embarrassing, okay?

It felt like the entire world had stopped moving. Like the earth it's self had stopped spinning on it's axis, all while he waited for some decision that was going to change the course of his life.

Because there were only two ways this was ever going to go.

Jungkook was going to believe him, and the lie would continue.

Or he would be caught red handed and everything would come crashing down.

He didn't even know which one he wanted anymore.

"I don't think that's it." One hand now free, he reached forward, pressing it against the bare expanse of his lower belly. And if it had just been bloating, it should have felt soft. Almost squishy. Instead it felt hard and tender, like there was something growing right beneath the surface. "I'm going to give you one more chance, Seokjin. Tell me what's really going on."

"I can't." It came out as a sob, desperate and broken, both hands suddenly abandoning their quest, giving up in the attempt to drag the cloth back down over his body, coming up to cover his face instead.

"If it's not mine then -" Those words were like an opportunity. A blessing being offered up to him on a silver platter. All he had to do, theoretically, was lie. That's what he was best at.

So why couldn't he do it now?

"Of course it's yours. There's never been anyone else, alpha. Only you." Even during that long year they had been apart, it had only ever been Jungkook. Despite the knowledge that some deep, dark part of him had been awoken, there was no one else that could ever actually satisfy it.

"Then why were you trying to hide it?" There was so much pain contained within those words, and they only made his own cries louder.

"Because I knew if I told you then I'd have to tell everything else too and then you wouldn't want me anymore." And why should he? Why would someone like Jungkook want someone like him? Someone who had done nothing but lie to him this whole entire time?

"Baby, listen to me, okay?" Those hands finally let go of his sweater, and he barely felt it as it fell back into place. Instead they both came up, grasping his wrist and pulling his own away. Cupped each of his cheeks and stroked the delicate skin beneath each eye with slow movements of his thumbs. "Whatever it is, I promise that it will not make me want you any less. Do you understand?"

There was a soft nod in return, accompanied by a sniffle as he struggled to somehow get his own tears under control. Both of his hands wrapped around thick wrist, feeling the way the veins traversed the surface.

"Such a good boy. Can you do something else for me?" There was another nod, soft and barely there, but it was enough. "Can you please say it for me?"

"I -" It came out choked and wet, like he couldn't even remember how to operate his own tongue. "I'm pregnant, alpha. I'm carrying your pup."

"Thank you." Those words were a soft sigh in return, and both of their eyes slipped closed as Jungkook leaned forward, pressed his lips against the other's forehead, before resting his own upon it. "I promise, to you and our child, that I will take the best care of both of you. My sweet, beautiful omega. I can't believe you have my baby in you."

"I still have all the test if you want to see them." His laugh was thin and watery, like he was trying to cut through the tension.

"How many did you take?"

"Six. I kind of panicked." Okay, so he had panicked a lot. So incredibly much that it was actually embarrassing now.

"Have you been to the doctor yet?"

"No. That's..." He knew he had to. Rationally he was entirely aware that it wasn't just for him, but for the innocent little pup he was carrying too. But he knew if he did, he was going to have to tell the truth. "Can we sit down? There are some things I have to tell you and... it's kind of a lot."

"Of course, baby." 

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