➣ 5.0

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"I always knew you were a weak ass bitch." He had fully expected it to be awkward, standing there in front of Yoongi, trying to explain that exactly what he thought would happen actually had.

"Excuse me?"

"I said what I said."

"What the tiny little gnome is trying to say -" There was Hobi, appearing out of absolutely no where. A feat he shouldn't currently be capable of considering the box he currently held in his arms. "- is he knew this was going to happening."

"I knew, I just fucking knew that you were gonna go running to that alpha and he was gonna figure it out. Like, seriously, you're showing already. That's how well he knocked your ass up."

"You do realize he's at least nine weeks along, right?" Hoseok asked, nodding at one of the movers they had hired to come take the box from him. "And considering how skinny he usually is, I'm shocked we couldn't tell the moment it happened."

"Actually... I did get really bloated for a few days after."

"I can't fucking stand either of you. You know what? I'm just gonna go to Japan. Be done with both of you."

"Bye bitch." Both of them said it in unison, before promptly breaking down in to giggles, both sets light and bouncing.

"Don't listen to him, baby. He's just upset cause he feels like he's losing you."

"But he's not. Neither of you are. I promise, I'll come see you guys as much as I can."

"You fucking better. Make that alpha pay for it too. It's the least he can do after he knocked you up."

"I'm gonna need you to stop referring to my baby daddy like that."

"And I'm gonna pretend like I don't know you."


"Should you really be carrying that?"

"Yoongi, it's a stuffed animal. I think I can handle it."

"Yeah but it weighs like twenty pounds."

"Are you actually worried about me right now?"

"No. I'm worried about what that alpha will do to me if I let anything happen to his baby or it's mama."

"Uh huh."


"Now remember to call us after you've been to the doctor!" They had spent the entire day together, until all that remained in the apartment were the few boxes of Seokjin's belongings.

"I will. Video call so you can see the ultrasound and everything."

"You better. And I want weekly progress pictures. You're gonna be literally the cutest, Jinnie."

"Thanks, Hobi. Take care of Yoongi for me, okay?"

"I will baby."


"So... I guess this is it, kid." It felt so strange, standing there in the emptied out living room, devoid of everything that had once made up their entire lives. "It's been a good run."

"You over dramatic asshole. You're making it sound like one of us is dying."

"Look, I'm really bad at this, okay? I'm happy for you, Jinnie. I am. But it also feels like I'm losing the little brother I never wanted but got anyway and I'm gonna fucking miss you and I don't know how to handle it."

"Oh Yoongi." They had always been affectionate with one another. Actually, scratch that, Seokjin had been affectionate. Always hanging off Yoongi whenever he had the slightest reason for it. Always thinking up some excuse for hugs and cuddles. But it felt so much different now. Probably because he could actually feel that tiny swell pressing against him and he realized his little Jinnie really was all grown up. "I'm gonna miss you too."

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