➣ After - Seokmin

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Seokjin realizes the consequences of his actions. 


There were so many things that he had done wrong. That particular list was miles long and feet wide, all of his misdeeds laid out in perfect clarity. So many lies that had been told that never needed to be. So much that had been kept from those who deserved to know it most. And all that it had ever caused was pain and heartache.

The one, singular good that had come from any of it was his son. The one consequence of his actions that he would never regret.

He loved him endlessly and completely and unconditionally.


Sometimes he thought it would have been better to simply lie. It was what he was good at, after all. To tell another one wouldn't have been all that hard. All that unreasonable. Everyone around them would have believed it, would have taken it as truth.

It would have been far easier to simply say that Yoongi was his child's father instead of some apparently unknown alpha. But he knew exactly who had helped create this little life. Knew exactly who he else he belonged to. And he couldn't bring himself to lie. Couldn't being himself to take that away as well.

So he told the truth. Dodged the questions that came with it and just kept on going. That's what he was second best at.


"Mommy?" Something inside of him would absolutely melt at the sound of his child voice calling out for him. So cute and little, and he just knew his bunny teeth were showing. The same ones he had inherited from his father.

"Yes my little bun?" He was doing dishes, hands buried in the soapy water and he twisted, looked down at where his son was currently standing, gripping onto the fabric of his jeans.

"I hungry." Glancing at the clock on the microwave, he saw that it was too early for dinner, but not quite late enough where a snack would completely ruin the little ones appetite.

"Would you like some apples?" Normally his baby loved fruit, a trait he attributed to how much he had craved it during his pregnancy.

"Can I have a bananner instead?" Of course that would be his sons favorite. Of course it would.

"It's banana, sweetheart."

"Bananner." How he and Jungkook had created someone so painfully adorable he would never understand.

"Say it with me." Grabbing the near by towel, he dried his hands quickly, before lowering himself onto the balls of his feet so he would be eye level with the little one. "Ba-na-na."

"Ba-na-na." Seokmin parroted back, pronouncing it perfectly.

"Good job. Now try putting the sounds together. Banana."

"Bananner." Seokmin had even gotten his father's smile, those teeth coming out to make him look exactly like an excited bunny.

"Yaaah." There was a frustrated groan, arms coming around the baby's middle, lifting him as he moved to stand. Crooked fingers dug into his side, followed by his chest and back, tickling him gently. "What did I do to deserve such a rotten child?"

"Mama! Mama pwease! Im sowwy just pwease stop." There was absolutely no better sound in the entire world than his baby's laughrer, and he kept it up for another moment before relenting.

"I guess I can forgive you. But I'm afraid we don't have any bananas baby bun. So you're just gonna have to settle for apples or grapes."

"Hmm, grapes pwease." Seokmin pretended to think about it for a moment before deciding, and it was such an adorable move that Jin couldn't stop himself from planting kisses all over his little cheeks.

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