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The sound of the front door opening caught his attention, an unusual occurrence at this time of night. And he quickly considered the merits of grabbing the nearest heavy object and creeping out into the living room to find the source, before realizing that the entire thought was ridiculous. What was he going to do, anyway? Knock someone over the head with a lamp? All that would likely do is piss them off, considering he was completely certain he could never do so with enough force to have any other impact.

But the sound was quickly followed by a frustrated growl, something heavy slamming against the floor and he pushed himself up slowly, grateful that the pup had seemed to finally settle down for the night and he could carry out his plan without that little added distraction.

The apartment was still relatively dark, with only the soft glow of a single lamp to illuminate the space. Shadows crawled along the walls, providing ample cover for him to simply watch, taking in the sight as his alpha actually kicked his backpack for some offense he hadn't managed to catch. Fingers frantically worked on the heavy belt he wore, and he tried not to jump in surprise when it was simply dropped onto the ground, the harsh thump reverberating through the silent expanse. Normally Jungkook was silent as a mouse whenever he managed to come home early, creeping around like a spy who's sole mission was to be as quiet as possible. Especially now that Seokjin's pregnancy had progressed so far, knowing that sleep was getting more and more difficult to come back.

Another growl interrupted his thoughts, deep and almost feral, and he realized that his alpha was sweating. That the normally pale skin was flushed pink and there was sweat gathering along his hair line and if he looked down, he could clearly see the bulge that had formed so prominently in those tight uniform pants.

Dear god did he love the sight of his alpha in that uniform. Sharp teeth sunk into his full bottom lip as he watched pieces of it be stripped away, until he had to squeeze his own thighs together in some lame attempt to stop the flow of slick.

Those fingers went to the tiny little buttons of the crisp black shirt, got three of them undone before he couldn't take it anymore. Before he was turning away, taking a deep breath to try and come himself. Remembering his plan and taking the first step to carry it out.

"Kookie?" Both of his hands lifted to his eyes, rubbing tiny little fist against them as if trying to wipe away the remnants of sleep. Only he had chosen what he was currently wearing strategically - absolutely nothing more than a pair of socks that stretched up his legs and ended at the mid thigh, and one of the large, oversize black tee's that his mate had literal dozens of. The fabrics was dark and loose, and it made the swell of his belly barely even notable.

Not that it was big to begin with. No, he had apparently been blessed by some god who's name he didn't even know with the perfectly little round bump. At most it just appeared like he had eaten a particularly large meal, and if he wanted to hide it, all he had to do was wear something loose enough.

But he wanted to high light it now. Let one of his hands fall beneath the swell, cupping it gently so the fabric pulled in and it was entirely on display. While the other curled beneath his chin, making him look tiny and innocent. And he watched as Jungkook actually gulped at the sight of him.


"What are you doing home so early?"

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to wake you." But he was awake now, which meant that he should probably tell him what was happening. Should, rationally, get him packed up and shipped off next door so he could suffer through the worst of this alone. But it was so difficult to think when his omega was right there. And the proof of what he had done to him was so prominently on display.

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