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Twenty minutes later there was a light knock on the door, and he pushed himself up from the little nest he had built out of leftover cushions and blankets, sighing as the movement caused his back to ache. Of course Jungkook's child would be causing him so much trouble already.

But he made his way through the dark and silent apartment, slipping the lock out of place and opening the door just a fraction.

Only to find a certain alpha standing on the other side, holding up a bag of take out.

"Shrimp fried rice. As my baby requested."

"You didn't have to bring it yourself, you know." And there was part of him that was a little bit embarrassed to actually let Jungkook in, considering the apartment was definitely nowhere near as expensive, even when it had actually been filled. Looking at it empty just felt pitiful.

"I know. But I wanted to see you." Because it felt like it had been far too long since he'd actually been in the omega's presence, even if it had been less than a single day. "You gonna let me in?"

"It's kind of... empty, right now." But he stood back, letting the door open fully. Waited until Jungkook had stepped inside before closing it again, slipping the lock back into place. He didn't even bother turning on the light. Just grabbed the alpha's hand and led him across the empty expanse, down the short little hallway to what had been his room. "Hope you're okay with eating on the floor."

"Kind of reminds me of my first place. I think me and Joonie had one end table between us. We used to sit around it and eat all of our meals."

"So you haven't always lived in a penthouse?" Slowly, he lowered himself down onto his knees, shifting around the little nest until it was big enough for both of them, before taking up on of the sides, drawing the extra blanket over his lap before looking up expectantly. "What's wrong?"

"You didn't give me permission to come into your nest."It was only natural for omega's to build little nest. Piles of blankets and pillows and he wondered what the other's bed had looked like before. Remembered that he was probably going to have to buy more bedding, since it was probably only going to get worse as the pregnancy wore on. They were safe spaces, and shouldn't be entered by anyone. Even their mate. He still remembered the one Seokjin had built during his heat. A massive collection of dirty clothes and towels and every single blanket he owned. There had even been couch cushions at the very bottom.

"Oh. You can come in, alpha." Holding the corner of the blanket up, he waited until the other had slipped off his shoes and settled next to him before draping it back across them. "You know you don't have to ask every time. You can always come into my nest."

"And you know you can change your mind whenever you want, right? I want to have a place where you feel safe."

"I feel safe when I'm with you."

"I'm glad, sweetheart." There was a container filled to the brim with steaming rice being passed to him, and he took it with both hands, face suddenly breaking out into a wide smile, before a pair of wooden chopsticks were placed on top, and he set about balancing it in his lap, opening the flaps and practically drooling at the sight. "But you answer your question, no. I didn't always live in a penthouse."

"But... isn't your family like, really, really ridiculously wealthy?"

"We are now. But it wasn't always like that. When my dad first started out, we were so broke we barely had money to eat. Him and my mom ended up living in the office space they were renting. If Joon hadn't already had his own place I probably would have ended up with them."

"How old were you?"

"About... sixteen, I think? Not much older than you were when you left home. I was already taking some college courses."

"Wow. You're so smart, alpha. I didn't even finish high school."

"I wouldn't say that. I'm just really good with tech." Which was honestly the only reason he hadn't flunked every single other course. Because hacking into the school's computers was easier than learning history. "Do you want to go back and finish?'

"I mean, not really. And it seems kind of like a waste of Yoongi's talents, you know?"

"Then we'll get you enrolled in college instead."

"Please, like I'm really gonna be able to get into college."

"Considering your last name is going be Jeon soon? You're gonna be able to get in where ever you want, babe."

"What do you mean, my last name is gonna be Jeon soon?" It wasn't that it was entirely unexpected. No, he had been entirely aware that this would probably happen. But he didn't want it to occur just because he was pregnant. No, it was a choice he wanted them to make for themselves.

"I mean that as my mate you should use my last name."

"But we're not mates."

"Not yet."

"Jungkook." It came out as a soft sigh, and reluctantly he placed the container of rice back down between his legs. Honestly it was the first thing that had actually tasted good in weeks, and for once it seemed to be settling well instead of threatening to come right back up. But as starving as he was, this needed to be addressed. "I want to be your mate, alpha. More than anything. But I don't want it be because I'm carrying your baby. I want us both to want it."

"You think I don't? Seokjin, I have wanted to mate you since the first time I saw you. Everything in me knows that you're my omega. My heart and my alpha chose you."

"Alpha." That word slipped out like a prayer, so soft and light on his tongue, and before he could even stop himself he was shifting, lifting himself onto his knees and crawling into the other's lap. "My heart and my omega chose you too. I want to be your mate. Please."

"Soon, sweetheart." There were fingers trailing along his jawline, and he leaned into the touch, sighing out in pleasure. "Let me do this right."

"But -"

"Eat now, babe. We have to be up early for when the movers come."

"You're staying? But -" His little nest seemed even more pitiful then, barely big enough for the two of them.

"I've slept in worse places, babe. Besides, I don't think I can stand letting go of you. Even for tonight."

"I don't want to let go of you either." But he did. Just enough to slide off to the side, letting his weight rest against the alpha. Reaching for his food, he shoved another bite into his mouth before sighing happily. "This is the best thing I've ever eaten."

"The baby giving you that much trouble?"

"Mm, my stomach has just been really upset."

"How are you feeling now?

"Better, actually. It's weird, but I felt better last night too."

"I think the baby likes you being around me."

"I like being around you too."

"I'm glad. Because you are never getting rid of me."

As they lay together hours later, beams of pale moonlight streaming in through the tiny window, bathing them in soft golden rays, he realized that he would never want to. Especially not when the alpha had been so careful with him. So gentle. Had made certain to place him between the wall and his own body, arm looped around his middle to hold him close, hand splayed across the expanse of his belly. They shared a single pillow and the one thick blanket, and he realized in that moment just how incredibly lucky he was. That this was the man who he was going to get to sleep next to each and every single night for the rest of his life. That he was going to get to wake up to him each and every single morning.

And that way enough to make him never want to run again. 

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