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"Soominnie?" Their daughter had inherited all of his energy, and it had taken them a while to find constructive outlets for all of it. Had enrolled her in dance and art classes. Had set up a little corner of her room with everything she could ever need to complete both task at home. Currently she was sat at the low little table, colored pencils spread out across the surface as she drew.

"Daddy!" There was such an excitement contained within her voice as she spun around, happiness practically overwhelming. It wasn't that she never saw Jungkook - no, he was the very model of an involved father. It was just that she saw him less than her mother, and therefore it seemed far more special.

"What are you drawing sweetheart?" Lowering his weight onto the balls of his feet, he hunkered down next to her, reaching out to take the paper she had previously been creating.

"Us!" Her little body twisted as she reached to point them all out. "That one is you -" And there was indeed a very tall stick figure right in the center. " - that one is mommy -" and another, much smaller and distinctly skinnier figure to the right. "- that one is me -" That one was even tinier, much closer to the ground and standing between them, reaching up to clasp each one of their hands. "- and that little line is going to be Yoongi."

"What's that around mommy's belly?" There was an odd sort of circle around the stomach portion of Seokjin's figure.

"Oh! That's the baby you should put in mommy's belly so I can have a little sister!" The sound that came out of him wasn't human, and really he didn't even know it was possible to choke on your own spit.

"Have you told mommy about this?"

"Mm hm!"

"And what did he say?"

"He said that I would have to ask you."

"Of course he did." They had never actually talked about having another child, although he knew that it was only natural for Soomin to want siblings. And it wasn't exactly that he didn't want anymore. It was that their family felt completely perfect just the way it was. Like he wasn't sure they actually needed any more pieces because there weren't anymore open slots. "Feel like taking a break, baby girl? There's something daddy wants to talk to you about."

"Is about me getting a sister?" Part of him wanted to laugh and say that even if it was, there was no guarantee that they would give her a sister. It could be a brother. And alright, maybe the idea of having a son was sort of appealing. But he would absolutely never regret the fact that he had ended up with their beautiful, precious daughter.

"Not quite." Definitely not even close.

"Is it important?" Thankfully Soomin had also inherited Seokjin's ability to know when it was time to be serious, and she turned slightly somber now.

"Yes. It is." Very, very, monumentally important. Pushing himself up, he leaned over to wrap his arms around the little girl, lifting her up as he stood. There was still the same wooden rocker in the opposite corner that had been there since before she was even born, and he smiled at the memories of nights spent taking turns trying to rock her to sleep. Shifting, he sat down in it down, making sure she was settled on his knee, keeping one hand on her back so she wouldn't fall. "This might be a little confusing."

"More confusing then when mommy told me about grandpapa?" Was that really the rating they were working off now? Was something more confusing than Seokjin's entire life?

"Maybe a little less." On a scale from one to ten, Seokjin's everything was probably a solid eleven.

"What is it, daddy?" And just like Seokjin, Soomin always seemed to know when he was falling down into that ugly pit of darkness and despair. Because suddenly there was a tiny hand resting on his cheek, and without even realizing it the baby girl had twisted, had wrapped herself around him so completely that she had become the shield. "Please don't look sad."

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