Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Shawn eyed Connor's face and then looked back at the girls. With a mouth full of popcorn, he said, "Her?" He pointed at the redhead with freckles as some popcorn slowly fell out of his mouth when he moved his jaw to speak. He let his finger fall and attempted to catch the popcorn he spit out.

Connor stomped his foot like a child. "Stop pointing," he gritted out. The vein on his forehead nearly popping out with annoyance.

Emma laughed, cleared her throat, and faced the boys. "Well," she began, "you don't want her thinking that we're some creeps. Let's go." She reaches over with her free hand and tugged at Connor's arm.

Connor protested but instantly shut up when he saw the girl he liked glance at them from the corner of her eye. He smiled and almost tripped on a step when Emma let his arm go.

She walked down the narrow row of fold-out seats. Looking for a seat, she plopped down on the one that seemed to be in the middle of the entire room. The boys walked from either side of the aisle and sat down on empty spots.

Connor sat next to Emma, Gabriel next to Connor, Brian in the row in front of them—in front of Emma. Shawn sat to Emma's right and
Daniel sat next to Shawn, munching on over-buttered popcorn.

"She probably thinks I brought the zoo with me." Connor sighed as he propped his elbow on the right armrest to rest his chin on the palm of his hand.

From the right, Daniel groaned like a child. "I knew I shouldn't have had that fourth serving of pasta." He patted his flat abdomen. "I'm the cow in this group of animals, aren't I?"

Shawn laughed and looked at Emma. "You're the baby bear." He tapped the tip of her nose with his index finger.

Emma scrunched up her nose. "I want to be a tiger," she says. "A big, dangerous tiger." She mused and went 'rawr' at him, sounding more like a baby dinosaur than a tiger.

"Shh!" Connor hushed them and slapped them wherever he could. "The movie is starting."

"What movie did you guys choose?" Daniel failed at his attempt of a whisper.

"You'll see." Brian snickered and almost choked on a piece of popcorn that he forgot was in his mouth.

For Connor, Tara was the only thing he enjoyed watching. The girl—only girl he's ever liked, and still likes. He smiled at the memory of her freckles that seemed to run rampant on his transparent-like skin. They were everywhere; on her cheeks, forehead, perky nose. But her eyes—blue like sapphire gems. Eyes that he found himself getting lost in when they spoke about the weather or other random topics he so dumbly brought up. And her hair was what he loved the most. She was a natural redhead, with straight hair that went down to just under her bottom. He imagined himself running his hands through her hair many nights. Down until he grabbed her ass and kissed her on those full, pink lips that seemed to attract the eyes of people who walked past this ethereal human being.


Connor snapped back to reality when a piece of popcorn landed in between his parted lips. "Are you still thinking about her?" Brian whispered to him after fist-bumping the air.

"No," he lied. "I hate this part." He nods at the film.

Brian scratched over his eyebrow. "It-It's a bird."

Connor looked back at the movie of the people walking and a bird flying in the sky. "Yeah. Birds scare me." He patted down his thighs and picks up a fistful of popcorn that pooled his lap. He glanced at Daniel, quizzical.

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