Chpater Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Detention; not as bad as Emma imagined it.

When she walked into the classroom for the first time, she was relieved to see people didn't speak or annoy. Many sat two desks away from each other.

Of course, she was standing in the doorway with a smile on her face so she looked like an idiot.

Emma sat at the very back, relieved.

"Emma." Tyler sat at the desk beside her and she cursed under her breath. "So you are the girl my bro's always ditching me for."

Emma Turned her head to look out the window.

"Alright. Ignore me all you want but at the end of the day, I still had sex with my best friend's crush." He smirked and leaned back in his seat with his hands behind his head.

Emma started to get irritated. "So what the hell do you want?" she snapped.

Tyler chuckled. "Nothing."

Emma's glare hardened.

"Seriously." He put his hands up in surrender. "I'm just teasing you."

Emma ignored him and glared out the window. He's annoying, she complained in her head.

Tyler stares at the back of her head as she turned away from him. "I can help you get with him," he offered.

Emma shook her head. "Don't want to," she said.

Tyler kissed his top teeth before releasing them with a 'smack'. "Is it because of his small penis? I mean, girl, if it is I have penis enlargement pills I can lend him," he silently laughed out.

Emma slapped a hand on her forehead and breathed in deep before sighing.

"His dick is fine." She waved off.

Tyler hummed.

She finally looked at him. "Seriously. Piss off."

Tyler looked around at the class as he admired the few painting hung up on the walls. "Whatever you say."

Emma's head held her rapid pulse. Irritated would be an understatement to what she was feeling.

"Your phone." Tyler tapped on her shoulder.

Emma snapped out of her small reverie and pulled out her phone from her back pocket.

"Hello?" she answered, swiping her finger across the screen.

"When you come to work, just know that I have to leave immediately. You and Jered are taking over while I'm gone," Henry said as he also didn't give a chance to talk back. "I expect you to be right on time."

Emma sighed and Henry heard. "I have detention."

Emma had forgotten she had a job altogether. She forgot about the bookstore, her new responsibility, and Henry's overall existence.

"What time can you get here? You're only working three hours."

Emma nodded and bit her lip as she thought. "I'll see what I can do."

She hung up before Henry had a say in things.

"What's up?" Tyler grinned annoyingly.

"I have to leave."

Emma stood up and walked to the teacher's desk.

"Yes, Miss Myers?" The art teacher looked up at her.

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