Kozume Kenma

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Character: Kozume Kenma

Prompt: Kenma's teenage daughter keeps spending her money on Animal Crossing (tw: mentions of MC having a gf)

MCs Age: 16


     (Y/n) had her own money, whether it be because she took cat-sitting jobs or because she made bets she knew she was going to win (mostly with her uncle Kuroo), she definitely had her own money. He would have thought that she'd go out and spend it on clothes, she kind of did but they weren't exactly for her. Her girlfriend always ripped her skirts so (Y/n) would often buy her more, she had tried to teach her girlfriend how to sew but that hadn't worked out so well.

     No. She spent her money on video games, more specifically Animal Crossing. It wasn't like (Y/n) didn't know how to save money, because she did, she had a lot saved back just for a rainy day and Kenma was proud of her for that, but she always spent her money on Animal Crossing. He couldn't really say anything or scold her about it because he knew she was just being impulsive, but it was seriously starting to worry him. A thousand dollars a week on one little video game? How did that make sense?

     Kuroo found it hilarious, though.

     "You played video games all of the time before she was born, you can't really tell her to stop," Kuroo said, laughing hysterically as Kenma receives another package from the mail. It didn't seem to be related to her usual game, though, so he didn't know if he was supposed to be worried or not. "I know. She's not exactly... bad with it, she just spends too much money for me to be comfortable. (Y/n)'s only sixteen, you know. She isn't exactly like me, though. She doesn't lose much sleep just for her games, she sleeps plenty and doesn't stay up like I used to, which is good, right?"

     She had gotten the newest addition to the Ninja Storm franchise, and both her and Kenma stayed up playing until it was time for bed. He really hadn't grown out of his gaming addiction, had he?

[This was initially going to be the reader coming out because I feel like we need more of those kinds of short stories, but every time I end up writing something like that someone's always like, 'but i'm not gay' and that's really annoying so I went against writing it at last minute.]

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