You're Safe Now

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Ok so this is my first story and I'm not that good but I hope you still enjoy it.
I'm German so I'm really sorry if I write something worng or it's not making sense. If that happens please tell me and I will try to make it better or correct it!

Now to explain something real fast:

Written like this means someone is thinking.

Written like this is the voice people (Izuku) hears

Written like this its just to Show that it is something 'different' or to make it stand out

Now Enjoy reading!

The green haird boy is standing on the edge of the roof.





He's looking at the night sky, breathing in the fresh air when he lets go.
With a smile on his face he falls and closes his eyes



Aizawa Pov

Jumping from roof to roof looking for anything suspicious, my eyes land on the small figure on the roof of a building not far from me.
It's 1 am and its definitely not normal for someone to be on a roof in the middle of the night.
Jumping to the building, I land and what I see makes me tremble.

A Boy not older than 13 is standing behind the fence.
He just has to take his hands away and he would die.
If I talk now he will probably get scared and let go.
I'm normally calm in every situation why am I trembling so much?!
Quietly walking up to the green haird boy I realize how messed up he lookes.
Too messed up for a child!
On one of his arms are slightly red colored bandages.
On the other one are bruises, burns and cuts, his hair is messy and looks like it hasn't been washed in ages.
His T-shirt and pants are dirty and ripped.
I'm now standing one step away from the fence, it seem like he didn't notice me.
I was about to say something when he let go.
Without thinking I jump after him, catching him with my scarf.
Safety landing on the ground, I look at the green haird boy.
The unconscious boy has a small smile on his face and tear stains on his cheeks.

My god what happened to this boy?

Now seeing this boy directly I can see the small needle punctures on his neck and arm.
Cuts, burns and bruises not only on his arm, their everywhere.
Picking the boy up I'm running to the hospital.

Time skip: one week later.
Still Aizawas Pov

Again I'm sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed of the boy I recently safed.
Normaly I wouldn't do this but he's different, even tho I only talked to him ones and that only for 15 minutes. I just know that this boy is different.
Shortly after i brought him to the hospital that night he woke up.
The Doctors only let that happen so we can get some information, now he's in an artificial coma.
The doctors said he has multiple drugs in his blood some unknown ones too.
The 'word' 8TON was cut in his right arm, the cuts apparently were deep cause the now scars were clear and you could easily read the letters.
Apparently it is hard to treat him because of all the drugs and other reasons I didn't quite understand.
The coma was supposed to help the healing process.
Today he's going to wake up, maybe thats why I'm here, maybe because this isn't 'just' a suicidal kid.
Maybe it is because all these wounds and drugs are not normal but I cant get this kid out of my head.

The 15 minutes I talked to the kid were quite interesting.
His name is Izuku Midoriya he is nearly 13 years old.
His Mother died in an Car accident when he war 7, Izuku was there too he had to watch his mother die.
With that information we searched him up.
Since then he lived by his father.
He's quirkless and after the death of his mother no one heard something about the kid.
Not the school, not the neighbors, not even his best friend.

Thats all the information we have.
No one knows where his father lives, there are no information about the man either.
But as far as I can say he's not a good father.

The doctor said he's supposed to wake up in the next couple of hours, that was two hours ago.
I'm looking out of the window on the other side of the bed not paying attention to anything.
It's quiet, the only thing you can here is the beeping of the monitor, and some quiet talking from outside.






Getting back to reality I look over to the green haird boy.
His eyes are open, he's staring at the ceiling with fear in his eyes.

"Shit" I say quietly.

Standing up I walk to the boy, befor doing anything else I press the red emergency button.

What am I supposed to do. I'm not good with children.

I'm panicking.

Ok ok calm down! You can do this!

I carefully touche the arm from the small boy.
He flinches, his green eyes are looking at me in fear.
I sit him up and hug him while going through his hair with my hand.
"Shhh. Everything is ok. I'm not hurting you! Your safe. Ok? Shhh calm down."
The beeping of the heart monitor gets regular again and the boys breathing normal.
Well that worked.

I hear the boy sobbing and hug him tighter.
Hearing a door open I look over and see two doctors rush in.
"Took you long enough."
"Sorry sir" said one of the doctors.
His hair is a dark blue nearly black and is in a loose ponytail.
The other doctor is a yound woman, she has shoulder long white and red hair.
I know her and like her she's Fuyumi Todoroki.
She's only 20 years old wich is pretty young but she started her doctor education and is good at what she's doing.
"He woke up and had some kind of panic attack but he's calming down now" I said in a quiet tone.
"Allright, he's ok right now so we're going to leave and come back in an hour so he can calm down and get used to his situation." Todoroki says with a carrying voice "If anything happens just call us or press the button, I'm responsible for Midoriya for now." I nod and she and the other doctor leave.

The door closes and I look at the small boy in my arms.

"You're safe now"

I know that Fuyumi isnt actually doing that but lets just pretend thats she is. And that she is just faster than other people.
Thank you for reading!
I hope you enjoyed it 🌸

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