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elix had plans yes, but seungmin...seungmin was clever. It was almost like he could see through Felix's lies.

Seungmin how do I gain your trust

Felix questioned himself as he walked into school.

"Felix Felix!"

"Eh? Someone calling?" Felix whipped his head around

"Felix" Jisung ran up shoving his phone right into Felix's face.

"What's this?" Felix questioned looking at the phone.

"They say they found no leads to the real killer of minho" Jisung pointed at the place in the article "isn't that crazy not even a fingerprint, camera footage... Nothing"

"That is scary" Felix stated skim reading the article. Dumb police can't catch me you make it so simple

"Felix...I-im scared" Jisung shuddered pulling Felix into a hug "i-i don't want to die"

"Sungie" Felix pulled back to give Jisung a serious expression "as long as you aren't stupid, go home earlier stay safe you should be fine" also stay away from Chan Felix thought in his head. He didn't want to kill Jisung but if he got in the way...

"I guess so" Jisung vigouresly wiped his eyes and gave Felix a small smile "I'm so glad I have you Felix. You are so calm I can't even imagine you hurting a fly"

"No me either" Felix sighed shyly "I'm just too scared of things like that"

(an~ that's a big ass lie Felix I swear)

"Remember when you totally freaked out at the horror movie we watched"

"Oh yeah" Felix shuddered

"See you're still scared, come on lix  toughen up"

"I'll try"


"Lixie bear"

"Huh? Chan?"

"That's me" Chan sat down. Felix felt his face heat up at the nickname why am I blushing what is this

"How are you Chan" Felix showed sympathy "you know with... minho and all"

He tried to be as careful as possible with his words.

"Well... I think I'm doing better"

Why does it look like you don't care at all-

"Oh I'm so sorry, I can't imagine losing a loved one like that"

"Time heals, of course I'll miss him. I spent most my time crying for him"

"I feel awful channie" Felix watched Chan's cheeks turn pink, he assumed it was from the nickname?

"Don't, it's just life"

"I'll always be here for you channie" Felix put a reassuring hand onto Chan's shoulder

Chan grabbed Felixs small hand and put it in his.

"We can do it togehter, I know you miss him too"

"Yes" Felix smiled kinda freaking out about holding Chan's hand

"Well channie let's concentrate hard, graduate with honours and become successful business owners"

For a second Chan gave Felix a look of disbelief...? Before it turned into a smile

"Yes let's" Chan spoke. Felix feeling kinda confident reached over and pecked Chan's cheek lightly. He now regretted it because his cheeks turned a significantly dark shade of red

"You are too cute lixie" Chan pinched the boys cheeks making it ten times worse.

"Channie please don't~" Felix giggled pushing Chan's hands away by his wrists.

"What do you not like me touching you?"

"N-no... I mean yes... i mean-" felix was flustered? Felix was actually flustered...

"What if i"

"No~haha- no tickles channie please" felix scrunched up into a small ball trying to stop laughing.

"Ok ok I'll stop now...but don't think this is the last lixie"


Felix walked out of the classroom  more accomplished than ever. Chan had flirted with him.

He started down the corridor when he heard laughing?

Peaking round the corner he could see jeongin and Chan talking

"Chan your muscles are so huge" jeongin grabbed Chan's arms.

Felix almost gagged at jeongins attempts at flirting.

Then he thought... jeongin flirting with Chan...?


tick tock tick tock

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