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As he sat by the fire burning his previous pair of gloves Felix came up with an idea

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As he sat by the fire burning his previous pair of gloves Felix came up with an idea. He went to bed knowing in the morning he could continue with his plan.

Making his way back over to seungmins house at nine in the morning he took out his phone calling the police

"Hello 999 what's your emergency?" (I'm British say 911 if you want)

"U-um well m-my friends house has been broken into and I don't want to go in" Felix cried

"What's the adress" the woman sounded alarmed Felix told the adress and the police came almost right away.

The police officer came up to him and checked him all over. Felix had plenty of time to look upset while waiting for them to come.

"Is he in there" the officer asked

"I-i don't know I didn't want to go in" Felix stuttered watching the police go in

"Sir there's been a call of a young boy gone missing"


"Yang jeongin"

"The boys not in the house, but his room is messed up and there are blood stains all over it" an officer came out.

"Oh no maybe they were in the house togehter"

"It looks possible, we are checking for finger prints"

"Thankyou young man" the officer turned to Felix handing him a tissue

"P-please you need t-to find him" Felix choked out a sob which was muffled by the tissue

"Don't worry son we will"


Felix walked into school that Monday feeling extremely tired. He had deep dark bags and was slumping into school. Why? Because he purposely stayed up the past two nights in a row. And why did he do that? I'm sure you can guess... 

"Felix...Oh Felix" Jisung came up to him looking at the boys tired face "I'm guessing you already know"

Felix nodded "I was the one who called the police" he admitted watching jisungs shocked expression


"I was meant to be hanging out with seungmin on the Saturday... but when I came to his house It had been broken into"

"Oh my gosh...do you know what happened to them?" Jisung asked scared for if Felix knew the truth

"N-no" felix lied watching Jisung pull up an article

"They were tortired and murdered " Jisungs eyes filled with tears, Felix's doing the same.

"They found a picture of a sunshine drawn in blood on the floor by the bodies. This is what I think lead them to name the killer 'soleil'." Jisung explained showing Felix the picture

"They also assume minho was killed by the same person"

"Oh my life" Felix dropped his head into jisungs shoulder "wait Jisung"

Felix acted shocked springing up

"W-what if I'm next?! What if you're next ?! What if we die" Felix spoke distressed

"Felix...! lix! calm down we won't die. You said it to me yourself"

"It's all happening so fast"

"Yeah it really is...wait is that hyunjin?" The boys turned around spotting a familiar male walk back into the school

"No sungie that makes sense hyunjin can't be soleil if he was in jail during the murder" Felix internally was pissed, he thought he'd managed to get rid of hyunjin but the police just had to let him go free didn't they. Not like it mattered though he would die eventually.

"Oh my gosh you are so smart you could be a murderer yourself "

"No way I gag when I see blood" (hah got emm)

"I know I know, remember when jeongin had a nose bleed and you there up everywhere "

"Oh yeah and your mom had to take us both to the hospital" Felix laughed before the two realised who they were talking about.

"Maybe we should just go to class"

"Yeah that's probably best"


"Felix no this is all wrong "

"Chan if you rub the paper any harder it will literally rip" Felix complained trying to pull Chan's hands away.

"If you did it right in the first place I wouldn't have to rip it up" Chan rolled his eyes trying to correct Felix's mistakes

"Can you stop being so loud we are in a lesson"

"Shush" Chan put his finger up to Felix's lips

"Dammit you little" Chan retracted his hand as he felt something touch it.

"That's what you get for putting your finger infront of my mouth"

"Well you didn't have to kiss it"

"Why would you rather I kiss your lips instead" Felix teased grabbing Chan's face

"W-what no..." Chan cheeks turned slightly red

"Aww you're blushing"

"I think you need a tutor" Chan quickly changed the subject

"A maths tutor? Where will I find one of those"

"Me you dummy"

"You?" Felix raised an eyebrow

"Yes me" snapping his fingers "let's do it afterschool for a while. Until you get better at maths that is"

"Fine but only if it's at your house" mine is full of torture devic- I MEAN PLUSHIES

"Deal" the two shook hands on it

Don't worry Chan soon I'll make you mine

tick tock tick tock


You know it's funny because Chan and Felix almost acted like Felix wasn't a complete physco for a moment there :)

^^ Sorry I made that confusing, what I was trying to imply is like they seemed to have a normal interaction even though Felix is a murderer.

Also 'soleil' is sun in French ;)

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