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"So...what you're saying is I'm no longer on house watch?"

"Yes basically when the crime took place we checked surveillance footage and you were still home. Seeing as we believe the killer was soleil you are pretty much free to go in a sense"

Felix smiled at the officer.

"Thank you sir"

Felix closed the door gently behind him giving the woman a small wave.

Knock knock*


Felix whipped back round not recognising the dark figure through his semi translucent glass.

Carefully opening the door he was met with a brown haired man.


"Oh hey chan" Felix smiled

"I just saw the officer you're free to go?"

"Yeah I'm pretty happy about that, it was kinda getting weird" Felix sighed just staring into Chan's eyes. It had been a while and Felix hadn't moved. 

"May I come in"

"Ah sorry" Felix blushed letting Chan pass and closed the door.

As Felix walked back down the corridor he found Chan sat on the sofa.

"I don't have much food or anything really I'm sorry" Felix walked over and plopped down next to Chan

"It's fine...I've got my meal right here" Chan smirked grabbing Felixs waste pulling him onto his lap.

"Wha- HEY STOP" Felix tried to push Chan's hands away as he started to tickle his side's. 

Felix finally managed to pull Chan's hands away gasping to catch his breath from laughing.

"You can't t-tickle me like that" Felix's cheeks hurt from smiling

"What can you not take it" Chan teased bringing his face forward into Felix's.

"Of course I can take it what?" Felix tilted his head watching Chan's eyes turn dark

"Well... could you take it if I..." Chan moved his hand down to Felix's crotch and started to slowly palm him through his trousers. 

"C-chan" Felix blushed hard his feet curling In his socks

"Baby boy I thought you could take it" Chan smirked in a singing sort of tone.

"I-i can" Felix challenged grabbing Chan's hair and pulling it. He was satisfied when he heard a groan.

Countering Felix, Chan slipped his hand into Felix's jeans

"Sweetheart whatever you do i will do harder" Chan said matter of factly

Felix arched his back at the feeling trying to grab Chan's wrist to pull him away.

"What's wrong, can't take it?" Chan mocked him, kissing along his Jawline.

"N-nooo" Felix whined, he wasn't strong enough to pull Chan's hand away.

Chan grabbed Felixs head smashing their lips together. Of course they fought for dominance (this wouldn't be a fanfiction without it 😂😂) which chan won, no suprise there 🤪🤪

Felix melted into Chan's lips and body. He was so tempted to just ask Chan to take him right on the sofa. Though he had to be with chenle tomorrow and if he showed any signs of pain with him he'd be suspicious.

"Ok enough what did you come here for?" Felix questioned

"Well... I just wanted to see you" Chan smiled pecking Felix's lips

"Well I'll be busy tomorrow so you'll  need to go home soon-ish"


"Are you being defiant?" Felix teased raising an eyebrow

"Yes but what will you do about it baby boy?" Chan smirked pinching Felix's side's

"I will have too... punish you"

"Punish Me? Lixie we know that's not happening"

"Yes of course it is I'm the dom" Chan gave Felix an 'are you dumb' sort of face

"I'm not the one whining your name am I?" Chan asked more rhetorically than anything

"No bu-"

"I'm not the one of squirms when they are touched"

"Ok bu-"

"I also don't get turned on by a couple of dirty words"

Felix blushed indicating Chan had definitely won this one. Pulling Felix as close as he could Chan forcefully brought the boys ear near to his lips.

"See you easily prove daddy's points don't you" He whispered biting Felix's earlobe

The younger boy shuddered at the feeling letting out a short breath.

"Stop it" Felix huffed pushing Chan's hands away before he unbuttoned his shirt anymore.

"You want to be stubborn I understand" Chan shrugged letting his hands drop to Felix's hips.

Felix only nodded in reply suddenly feeling shy again. Chan cooed pinching Felix's red cheeks.


I wander if you'll spot anything suspicious... I'm just saying...

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