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The couple where happily holding hands As they walked into the aquarium. Felix felt relaxed, he of course wanted to go and see jisung but that could wait.

Jisung is definitely not that experienced anyway so it wouldn't even be that bad.

"Look chan" Felix tugged him over to one of the large glass panels


"It's a huge stingray" Felix pointed eyes full of excitement which chan struggled to ignore.


"Yeah?" Felix turned round his smile dropping as he saw Chan's expression

"Chan what's wrong?" He wouldn't respond just kept...staring


"Oh! Nothing nothing. I'm so sorry I spaced out" Chan rubbed the back of his kneck awkwardly

"Are you ok? You've been acting...strange..." Felix pursed his lips trying to read Chan's expression

"I'm fine"

"If something troubling you, you can always talk to me" Felix took his cheek in his hand holding his face carefully.

"Yeah of course, I think the whole Jisung situation has fucked me up is all" Chan gave a sheepish smile "come on let's go look at everything else"


Felix had been sceptical most of the trip, not like he felt bad for Chan really and he honestly didn't care for Chan's problems though that wasn't the point.

Chan was acting different... it made Felix wander if he was wearing some sort of mask? Much like he himself always di-


Felix snapped his head back up from the fry he'd been counting the pieces of salt on


"Are you alright?" Chan's voice was laced with concern...wait was it really?

"Yes yes I'm fine" Felix smiled popping the fry into his mouth.

He'd enjoyed the date a lot pointing at all the colourful fishes and Chan almost tripping over the cleaners mop bucket. After the incident with Chan spacing out everything seemed to be perfectly normal.

"So Chan.." Felix began thinking he didn't really know the person he'd been fucking around with that well.

"Yeah?" Chan took a sip of his coke before directing his attention to Felix

"How did you and minho meet"

"M-minho" Chan choked on the drink just avoiding spitting it out


"Don't you think that's a little weird?"

"What's weird?" Felix cocked his head

"To bring up my dead ex on a date?" Chan deadpanned

"O-oh well I was just curious. We didn't really get to talk much" Felix sniffed

"We met...during school"

"Why did you have to think about that, did you kidnap him and twist his mind or something" Felix snorted jokingly

"No nothing like that, I met him in school but we became official at han river so I wasn't sure which one to choose"

I wonder if minho would have said the same if he'd been here?-

"Cute, han river is a great place"

"Can I ask you something?" Chan suddenly changed the mood

"Um yeah" Felix straightened up

"Does it sometimes feel like, I don't know. Someone's doing something you wanted to do?"

"What?" Felix was confused " Does this apply to you?"

"Well yes, I was going to do something a while back but- someone beat me too it"

"You mean like academicly?"

"Yeah" chan sighed "something like that"

"Why don't I believe you"

"You should, it's one hundred percent truth" Chan nodded firmly

"Uh huh" felix was about to speak again but Chan interrupted him

"Its just like, I was so excited. It was going to be so fun" Chan practically whined "but then they beat me too it and I just have to watch until they're done"

"Chan...Are you sure you're alright?" Felix couldn't pin point it but there was an unusual sadistic glint in Chan's eyes.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He said a little too cheerfully

"Yeah... Why wouldn't you"

Hiya not completly back on this book yet but I'm gonna up date here and there because I'm determined to finish it!

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