Crossover with Nalu!!

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I thought most of you would enjoy this so here ya go! Note: I'm almost finished with Fairy Tail so there are some things that I don't know of or haven't seen yet.
No one's POV
Bakugo and Uraraka had a hero job in another dimension. They were supposed to go to this place called....'Fairy Tail'? Both were unsure what this was.
       Uraraka and Bakugo finally found the place when they were greeted by a shirtless boy (we all know who that is).  "Welcome to Fairy Tail, are you here to join?" The boy asked
"We were sent here for a mission and we were supposed to meet up with a team." Uraraka said
       "Oh, okay. My names Gray. I'll give you two a tour."
            "I'm Bakugo and that's Uraraka."
  "What's with that creepy bitch watching us?" Bakugo snapped
           "That's Guvia..To be honest, I'm not sure either.." Gray muttered as he opened the guild's doors.
Once they were opened, Uraraka could see how happy everybody was while Bakugo could see how strong they were too.
     "Hey Gray! Who are these two?" A blue cat with wings grinned
"Are they new members? Or are they in need of help?" A red hair woman asked
          "This is Uraraka and Bakugo. They're gonna help us on are quest." Gray explained
"Oi, What the hell are your quirks?" Bakugo snapped
       "What the hell are quirks?" A pink haired boy said as he walked over.
"That's Natsu, and I'm Lucy!" Lucy smiled "Are you guys asking about our powers?"
          "Yeah, we are."
They explained their powers and told their names. Everybody started talking while Natsu and Bakugo started to bicker.
                "You trying to pick a fight with me, Pinky?!" Bakugo yelled
                      "The names Natsu, and yeah I'm trying to pick a fight!" Natsu shouted
                                 They both were about to fire when Lucy and Uraraka got in the way.
   "Maybe we shouldn't do that.." Lucy said
              "You guys should get along, you have a lot in common." Uraraka spoke
"Yeah, like you have two pissed of girlfriends!" Lucy muttered
                  "Tch" and "Whatever" were there responses.
                           "What the hells are mission, anyway?" Bakugo asked
                                "We have to fight these evil wizards, they know every spell in existence and mastered them all" Gray explained
             "Let's go, then!" Happy cheered

Time skip to when they're battling the wizards.
Btw, here's who went with who:
Natsu and Bakugo went together.
    Uraraka and Lucy went together.
And Erza and Gray went together.
Happy, got frozen in one of the wizards attacks.
With Lucy and Uraraka
Lucy and Uraraka were trapped in quick sand, they were trying to think of a way to escape.
They were battling this old lady wizard who transformed herself into a beautiful anime girl.
"You fools! You'll never be able to get out of my quick sand!" The wizard laughed
        "If only I could reach my keys.." Lucy muttered, trying to free her hands.
"I can't float the sand.." Uraraka said
        Lucy finally was able to reach her keys.
"Okay, OPEN GATE OF THE VIRGO!" Lucy shouted as Virgo appeared
        "You called, Miss?" Virgo said
    "I need you to use your chain magic so you can get us outta here!"
"Is this some kinda joke?" The wizard laughed "Even if she does get you out, you'll still lose!
                     "Very, well" Virgo agreed and used her chains to pull them out.
Virgo surprisingly also chained the wizard "How did you-
                           "Sorry, Miss, I didn't mean to disobey..Do I need a punishment?" Virgo asked
   "Um, don't" Lucy replied
          "Now that she can't move I can use my attack!" Uraraka shouted and put her fingers together.
Like when she faced Bakugo at the sports festival, rocks were falling out of the sky.
                          The wizard was crushed by rocks.
  "Alright!" Lucy and Uraraka cheered.

With Natsu and Bakugo:
The wizard these two were facing was a boy who could clone himself to fight.
Bakugo was busy attacking some of the clones while Natsu was trying to attack the original one.
      "Dammit! These clones keep on multiplying!" Bakugo yelled as he smashed one of the clone's head into a wall
"Yeah, stop being a coward and fight!" Natsu shouted as he tried to run to the wizard
               "It's much more fun watching you two fight my clones."
                             Bakugo then thought of a strategy,
His quirk gets really powerful the more he sweats. If Natsu can use his power to get him to generate more sweat, he could blow them all away just by one explosion. He just needed to get warmer...
"Oi, Natsu!" Bakugo shouted
            Natsu ran over, "You got a plan?"
                    "Just follow my lead and try to keep up" Bakugo said
Natsu helped Bakugo get hot enough where he could generate more sweat, and then..
BOOM! Bakugo blew them all away with one blow.
                                  "We did it!" Natsu grinned
"Damn right!" Bakugo smirked
           Bakugo and Natsu gave each other a high five.

Fyi, Erza and Gray already fought their wizard. I decided not to write their fight, because I didn't think it'd be important to the Nalu and Kacchako story. Also Happy got saved
Time skip to night time.
Natsu, Lucy, Bakugo, and Uraraka all went to a nearby cafe to celebrate and their food soon came
       "Time to chow down!" Natsu grinned and began to eat
                 "I'm fucking starving" Bakugo muttered as he began to eat too.
                             "So are you two finally getting along?" Uraraka asked
           "Hell yeah, this guy has an amazing power!" Bakugo said
                    "He's pretty strong too! PLUS, we both like to destroy things!" Natsu spoke
             "That's not exactly a good thing but if it means you'll get along then I guess it's okay." Lucy mumbled
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my Nalu crossover!♡♡

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