A kid again

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Not really romantic in this one shot, bc she's a child and I'm not doing that illegal shit.
(Bakugo has a crush on her in this)

No one's POV
"Students, another accident has happened while Uraraka and Deku were on a hero mission. Luckily No one was hurt, but it appears Uraraka was struck by a quirk" Aizawa explains
         Deku took a little hand and let it into the classroom.
Everybody was in awe!
Uraraka was a little kid!
        "Aw!" Mina smiled
"Ochaco looks so cute as a kid" Tsu said
                      "She's adorable!" Kirishima grinned
Uraraka was about 4 and she was wearing something Eri would.
"Wow! How do they know my name?" Little Uraraka asked
        "They're your future classmates" Deku nervously smiled
"She can't attend class because of these circumstances so I will need Bakugo to watch her." Aizawa said
      Bakugo jumped out of his seat. "Me?! I'm not a damn babysitter!"
"Watch your language, There is a child in the room" Yaomomo snapped, She didn't want little Ochaco learning this.
                       "You're not very good with people, so this will help your cooperation skills." Aizawa says
"What the hell am I supposed to do with her, then?"
            "Whatever makes her happy. Just don't let her wander off."
Bakugo let out a "Tch" and grabbed little Ochaco's hand. He dragged her out of the classroom.

"What's your name, Mister?" Little Ochaco asked
            "Bakugo Katsuki." He muttered
                      "Okay, Katsuki! Where are we going?"
He groaned, he really didn't wanna do this. And he didn't want her to call him Katsuki.
He took them outside UA and walked to his car. "Get in."
She hopped in the back of the car, considering it'd be illegal if she were up in the front.
            She put on her seat belt and he began to drive.
         Bakugo was taking her to a carnival, He thought she might like it.
They stepped out of the car and she took his hand.
      Little Uraraka looked around in awe at the colorful lights. "Pretty!" She smiled
"Where do you wanna go first, Floaty?"
           "Let's go to the rollercoasters!!"
They walked over to a rollercoaster and it looked pretty scary... They stepped into the ride, amd waited for it to start. Uraraka was honestly quite scared but she didn't want to annoy the blonde haired boy.
The ride soon started and it was very fast. So fast, that Uraraka was absolutely terrified and paralyzed with fear.
Bakugo glanced at Uraraka and soon noticed how scared she was, so he put his arm around her, and held her close.
This relaxed her and she enjoyed the rest of the ride in his arms.
             The ride soom ended and they got off. "Alright, where do you wanna go next?"
"Let's go to get some cottencandy!!" She cheered and dragged him to the cottencandy machine.
     Bakugo pulled out his wallet and gave the man the money. He got the cottencandy and handed it to Uraraka.
      "Thank you, Katsuki!!" Uraraka said
   They sat somewhere to eat the cottencandy. Bakugo was just going on his phone when he felt something sticky touch his face. He looked over and Uraraka was putting her cottencandy to his face.
"Katsuki! Say, 'Aah'" She said, still holding the cottencandy in his face
     He opened his mouth and bit some of it off. She was delighted, seeing him enjoy the cottencandy with her.
  A small smile appeared on Bakugo's face. "Thanks Pink cheeks" He's never spended quality time with Uraraka and he was glad he got to now, even if she was just a kid.
   He then noticed Uraraka looking at something in awe.
He looked over too and saw a cute white teddy bear, with a little pink bow on it's neck.
He took her hand and went over to the carnival game that had the teddy bear as it's prize.
         "What do I have to do to get that bear?" Bakugo asked
"All you gotta do is just take these balls and try to knock the glass cups down."
      He gave the man some money and the man gave him three balls.
He had three chances to get that bear for Uraraka, and he wouldn't let her down.
Uraraka, who was very confused, eventually caught on and realized what he was doing.
         "Just imagine it's Deku.." Bakugo thought.
He imagined Deku, and he swung really hard and BOOM! On the first try he knocked them all down. The man was confused, he had rigged it so there was no possible way he'd win.
  The man sighed and gave Bakugo the bear. Bakugo handed the bear to Uraraka and Uraraka smiled brightly.
"Thank you Katsuki!!!!!" She gave him a big hug and he just patted her head.

     They soon started to play more games, go on more rides, and eat more food. Until Bakugo had to use the restroom. He told Uraraka that he was going to find a restroom and that she should stay there.
Uraraka nodded and waited.
   Ten minutes past..."Where did Katsuki go?" Little Ochaco thought to herself.
She walked away from where she was supposed to stay and began to get trampled on by a huge crowd.
"Erk!" She yelped.
            She soon realized that she'd gone pretty far..and that she was lost.
She tried to run in every direction, but couldn't find Bakugo anywhere.
             Little Uraraka got very scared.. She couldn't find him and she didn't even know where the spot she was supposed to stay at was. She ran out of the carnival and sat by the gate. Hugging her knees and her bear. She even started crying.
"'Katsuki.." she whispered as she cried

With Bakugo before Uraraka got lost
Bakugo had just got done in the restroom when he got a call from Mr. Aizawa.
         "Bakugo, How is everything?" Aizawa asked
"Fine. She's not that bad.."
                "Good. I'm sure that she'll be very grateful when she turns back"
           "Tch. Whatever." Bakugo muttered
"Alright, you should bring her back soon." Aizawa hung up.
And Bakugo went to go get Uraraka. But she wasn't there..
  He looked around and there was no sight of her.
"Uraraka!" He shouted, hoping she'd come in his arms again.
      But no awnser.
He ran through the crowd and looked everywhere.
Bakugo was getting worried, what if somebody kidnapped her?!
    And if so, It'd be all his fault.
He then realized that she wasn't in the carnival at all. So he ran out, hopeing she'd be somewhere nearby.
    Bakugo was about to go to his car when he heard somebody crying by the gate.
"Uraraka, what the hell?! Why are you out here, you should've waited! I thought you got fucking kidnapped!"Bakugo yelled. He was only angry because he was so worried about her. He would die if anything terrible happend to her.
          Uraraka began to cry more. "I'm sorry..I didn't mean to.."
"I don't give a damn if you're sorry or not, let's just fucking go." Bakugo muttered as he was about to walk to his car.
        "It's all my fault.."
He looked back at her.
               "It's my fault! It's my fault that I got lost, I thought you left me behind.. It's my fault that you have to hang out with me, my fault that you spent your money on me..I even made you mad.." She sobbed
   Bakugo felt really bad now. He knelt down next to her and hugged her.
  "You did nothing wrong, Uraraka. I was just worried, I'm sorry."
He let go and wiped her tears away.
           He helped her up and they got in the car. Uraraka felt much better now that she was with him.
She was very tired from their exciting day, and she soon drifted off to sleep.
When Bakugo pulled up to UA, he saw her asleep and carried her out of the car and into her dorm. He went into her dorm and layed her on the bed, and put a blanket over her. He kissed her on the head and went back to his dorm. (It was night FYI)

When Uraraka turned back...
Uraraka woke up and saw a cute little teddy bear next to her. "What happened?" She thought. She went to class extra early to ask Mr. Aizawa.
"Oh, Uraraka. Glad to see you're okay." 
      "Thanks, but...What happened yesterday?" She asked
     "A quirk hit you and you were turned into a kid again." He explained
           "You should really thank Bakugo. He stayed with you the entire time and I could tell he enjoyed it." Aizawa said
          "B-Bakugo?! Really? That's.......sweet."  She thought.
She smiled and went to her desk.

When the other students came, (specifically Bakugo) shs went over to his desk.
"What do you want, Rounface?"
         "I wanted to say thank you" She smiled
"What for?"
                "When I got hit by that quirk..Aizawa said I was taken care of by you."
        "Oh...It's no problem.." Bakugo mumbled
                        "Maybe we could hang out sometime, so I could pay you back."
"Alright. Will go to the carnival then, don't be late" He smirked

THE END, hope you liked it!
Sorry if you didn't:/
If you have any suggestions, let me know!
Thanks for reading!!
Anyway for me to improve? Let me know!

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