Chapter II: The Pride of a Slytherin

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Chapter II:

I am inspired by the fear of being average

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I am inspired by the fear of being average.


Susan was nothing, if not terribly self-aware. If she said she was going to be a Hufflepuff, then not even the Sorting Hat could be convinced otherwise. So Hufflepuff it was. A flash of yellow and the blonde was now proudly looking like an overgrown bee.

When Rosaline's name was called, it took the Sorting Hat not long at all. The tattered old thing muttered in her ear for a few seconds about a promising future and no lack of ambition on getting there before it shouted "SLYTHERIN!" earning her a flash of green, and a roar of applause from the table on her left.

The Sorting Ceremony was not very eventful after that, and Rosaline was starting to get quite hungry. Hermione Granger had been sorted before Rosaline, into Gryffindor, which was admittedly a bit of a surprise as she had pegged her for a Ravenclaw.

Rosaline's table was further filled with a few girls, only one of which Rosaline had met before. And she was sure of this, as their faces were distinct enough to remember. Pansy Parkinson was a rather arrogant-looking dark-haired girl with an oddly shaped face. Her eyes were so small and dark, they did nothing to divert the attention from her nose, which was like a pug's. Millicent Bulstrode was equally unfortunate-looking. As she was square-shouldered and had the overall body-type of a rectangle. Tracey Davis was quite plain. Nothing about her really stole the show in neither a bad, nor a good way. She had rather dull brown hair, blue eyes that lacked the shine and were not particularly bright. She was neither tall nor short. Neither thick nor thin. Just plain.

The last girl, Daphne Greengrass was Rosaline's cousin. Daphne's father Ren, and Rosaline's mother, Joy, were siblings. Apparently, Uncle Ren had met his wife through Rosaline's mother. They had been trainee-Healers together. Daphne's mother used to take care of Rosaline whenever her mother and was at work and vice versa. But that hadn't been for a few years because Rosaline's mother was distinctly less busy now that Death Eaters were no longer killing and maiming people left and right as they did during the war. Daphne appeared to be, by far, the prettiest and most Pureblood-looking of the bunch. Her hair was light and shoulder-length, making it look quite stern. It wasn't helped by the coldness of her mossy green eyes and the overall blank expression she seemed to permanently wear.

Then, there were the boys, who didn't impress Rosaline in the slightest. Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe might as well be brothers as they were both large and stupid. Theodore Nott was tall, thin, and weakly built. Making him look extremely lanky, like a teenager not yet grown into their body proportions. Blaise Zabini was a tall, dark-skinned boy, with high aristocratic cheekbones and dark eyes. His mother, Elena Zabini, was friends with Rosaline's mother. Well, friends might be a big word. They were in the same married mothers' tea club, or whatever it is called.

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