Chapter VIII: The Easy Trap

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Chapter VIII:

The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me

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The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.


All this time, Rosaline had been looking at the situation around the Stone too narrowly. Whoever was trying to steal it, wasn't doing so for their own wealth and glory. They needed it to restore the Dark Lord to full power. Which is why Professor Dumbledore must have decided to take matters into his own hands as he had always been the Dark Lord's greatest adversary. He must feel it's his personal responsibility to keep him from rising again. It hadn't been Nicholas Flamel who suspected the potential danger his Stone was in of being stolen. He hadn't been the one to ask Dumbledore for help, asking a favour from an old friend. No, it must've been the other way around. Dumbledore had convinced Flamel to up the protection of the Stone as he suspected foul play.

Dumbledore knew what was at stake. Rosaline was certain he knew that the Stone's protection was of utmost importance. He would not leave anything to chance. Who knows, maybe the old wizard was protecting the Stone personally. She didn't exactly see him wandering around the castle often.

The centaurs knew more than they let on. Firenze did say that he was willing to side with humans if that meant he could change the future to a more favourable one. That would certainly suggest something big and destructive was coming their way as the centaurs wouldn't just do something like that. They cared very little about the faith of humans, but the Dark Lord had shown before he wasn't above involving magical creatures. Firenze must be of the opinion that everything was better than having the Dark Lord return to power. Maybe he had even been the one to warn Dumbledore of what was to come. Maybe he had set all the events of late into motion.

Now it was just a matter of adding things up. The first question that needed answering was, why this year? What had changed since last year? Why did Dumbledore all of a sudden feel the need to protect the Stone this summer?

Rosaline's mother had always suspected the Dark Lord's soul was still roaming around somewhere, too weak to do anything more than survive. Rosaline had once asked her mother, what made her think so, "I was there that night," she had said gravely, looking into her teacup. "I was one of the first on the scene. I was to officially declare the Potters' death. We had to be sure it was the Killing Curse that done it. Baby Harry's nursery was in shambles, like a bomb had exploded, taking the walls with it. We found James downstairs, glasses askew, eyes still opened. Lily was lying in front of the crib. And then there was something else, some substance we had trouble identifying for a day or two, until we found out it was human remains. The Dark Lord's body had been obliterated. Everyone thinks that just because he was blown up, that he died. But I am telling you, Rosaline, it only freed him."

Dumbledore had known her mother well. She must've told him her suspicions and he must've come to the same conclusion that the Dark Lord couldn't be vanquished so easily. Especially by a one-year-old baby.

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