Chapter V: The Mysterious Bite

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Chapter V:

But he who dares not grasp the thorn, should never crave the rose

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But he who dares not grasp the thorn, should never crave the rose.


Novembers in Scotland were freezing. No student left the heat of their common room without a scarf and gloves, and most kept their thick cloaks wrapped around them during classes.

Professor Snape had yet to catch Rosaline not knowing an answer to one of his questions. Something which she took great pride in. Finally convinced that Rosaline was smarter than he gave her credit for, he was now making her do all kinds of chores that scarily resembled those done by a teaching assistant. She had to ask professor Sprout for new ingredients from the greenhouses. Had to prepare certain infusions and concoctions to be used by others during their Potions class. Furthermore, she had been ordered to tutor Malfoy, who, despite Professor Snape's pretence, could hardly be seen as the best in their class, when he was easily defeated by Hermione. Once other first years found out Rosaline was now tutoring Potions, they wanted in too and that's how she ended up spending the better part of her Saturday mornings teaching Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott and Megan Jones.

Rosaline was both honoured to be trusted by Professor Snape like this, and highly annoyed by the demands. However, if this made it more likely that Professor Snape would choose her as a teaching assistant or Prefect in the future, than she would just have to bear with it. Being a Prefect would look great on all of her job applications and her mother had insisted that it was of utmost importance. Her parents only had her to place all their expectations on and seeing as both of them had high-paying jobs, they expected nothing less of Rosaline.

Today, Professor Snape had written another note for Rosaline, and sent it to her by owl, to go by the greenhouses when she had the time. It was much too cold to be outside, but Rosaline gritted her teeth together and bore with it.

It was pretty late already once Rosaline had finally finished all her homework for the weekend and was going across the grounds to the greenhouses. She had been determined to finish the essays due the next week before the weekend, as tomorrow would have the Slytherin-Gryffindor match, everyone was looking forward to. After the match, she would meet with her Potions students and then on Sunday she would have the time to study for the quiz Professor Snape would no doubt have prepared for her on Monday morning.

Balancing all the ingredients in her arms, she made her way down to the dungeons to find Professor Snape in his office. She had a bit of trouble, freeing a hand far enough to knock. There was no answer. So, with an aggravated sigh, she knocked again. She swore, that if Professor Snape had forgotten or somehow refused to let her in because she was a bit on the late side, she would never do anything for him again. After the third knock, she decided to be less courteous and just opened the door, determined to leave the ingredients on his desk for him to find.

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