The Happy Shadow ~Chapter Five~

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A young girl ran through the golden wheet field, her fingers scraping the tops, a wide grin on her face. Her sun stained hair matched her green eyes that screamed joy.

"You can't catch meeee!" She sung teasing her older sister

Cass grinned, chasing after her "oh yes I cannnn"

After a few seconds Cass got bored faking her slowness and rushed forward grabbing her sister by the waist and throwing both of them to the ground. Laughter echoed through the moor, causing trees to sway and leaves to swoon.

"So" Cass grin looking down at her sister "what do you think of my secret spot?"

"Well-" she giggled "it's not very secret, its literally the middle of a field"

Cass raised a brow at her sisters sass, and suddenly shot her hands out to tickle the child next to her causing a bundle of laughter to arise

"Excuse me Catherine Anne Rose Artic, you are 9 years old I dont expect this kind of sass from you until your 12 years old, understand?" Cass grinned. Catherine shook her head, her laughter uncontrollable as she squirmed in her sisters grasp

"OKAY!"she screamed "okay! haha okay! I understand! Haha I understand"

Grinning both girls clasped back onto the golden blanket, their identical blue eyes so bright that even the sky is jealous off them. Sighing Cass looked up and watched the word drift by

"That one looks like a wolf" Catherine said her innocent eyes watching the soft puffs of cotton. Cass looked up at the cloud and agreed

"Look Cathy! That one looks like a stag" she smiled pointing up

"Oh no it's defently a wat" Cath answered causing Cass to snort

"A wat?"

"Rat, I said rat"

"No you didnt, wat are you talking about?"

"Ha ha ha your so funny"

"Wat I'm not doing anything"

"If you don't stop I'm going to-"

"-what? U gonna wat me out?"

Cath launched her self at her sister but didnt get far as Cass caught her laughing

"Well for the record Cath, I think your wolf looks more like a dog"

Cath rolled her eyes and pushed her brunette sister lightly

"Shut up"

Silence past the two as they watched the breeze rustle the wheat gently and softly shake the leaves from their trees, the birds sing their beautiful melody communicating with one another. The fast trickling of the cold stream and the hesitant crunch of leaves caused by little animal feet. All was at peace until Cathy broke the silence

"We should head home" she sighed watching the content look on her older sisters face, guilt taking a hold of her own

"Okay" Cass blissfully sighed, she then got up and proceeded to help the 9 year old and start the treck home. It wasnt a long walk so they were home fairly quickly. Once home they sat at the old wooden table in their kitchen

"Have a nice time girls?" Asked their father as he but the news paper down and drank some of the liquid in his cup, which Cass was convinced was beer. Her 3 older brothers and younger brother were all playing exploding snap in the corner and their mother making dinner.

"Yup!" Cathy beamed. As Cathy went on and on about their day, Cass wondered back into her own mind and daydreamed.

Do crabs think that fish are flying?

Why is the grass green?

Who made the word, word?

How many people have died within this minutes?

Can I join strictly come dancing?

"Abi?" A voice broke her put of day dreaming, Cass looked to the voice and saw her older brother Sam looking at her


"You okay?" Sam asked again looking concerned

"Yeah I'm fine, why?" Cass asked

"You've been ignoring us for the last ten minutes" chuckled Curtis, her older brother

"Well-" she huffed "-maybe I just dont like you"

"Ouch rude-"

"-Were you listening?" Interrupted her last older brother, Noah

"Nope obviously"

"Oh I- urm, huh okay"

"What is it?"

"Oh its probably won't care anyway" Catherine joined in teasing her sister

"Catherine dont get involved" hissed their mother as she plaved the food on the table

Cath huffed and collected herself some food along with the rest of the family. The table was brimming with joy as everyone cracked jokes and messed around until all the food on the table disappeared. And with their bellies full they wondered away from each other, either to bed or whatever their heat desired.

The two girls however followed each other out onto the decking and sat next too each other. The two once again sat in peace, the older sister tried to burn this image into her head as the sun started to fall behind the hills. The sunset was always Cass' favourite as it remained her that your flame will always be short lived, your life always ends no matter who you are, so make the most of it.

Little did she know how both wrong and right she was.

Little did she know how much she would come too envy the sun and hate the moon

Cass opened her eyes slowly, she wasnt screaming or crying for help lost in her own nightmare of a mind. For once she woke up with a small smile on her face. As she smiled as a solitary tear ran down her face and dripped onto the carpet. Sometimes life could be a happy shadow

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