It was dark. There was no stars in the sky instead a large brooding ash cloud, thrusting lightning, screaming thunder and crying rain. As the clouds morned the loss of the sun, they became oblivious to the young girl beneath them covered in bruises...
"Oh I'm so so sorry! I-" cass looked up at her assailants, only to see Tom and Albus "-Abi!?"
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1942 20th February
"Hi" Cass panted giving them a weak smile "come here often?"
"Abi what are you doing here?" Albus asked with a raised brow as he kneeled down to help me up, to which Cass pushed him away refusing help
"I actually go by Cass now" Cass said ignoring the question completely, holding her hands out asking to be lifted up as she realised that she couldnt do it herself
"Okay then, Cass, what are you doing here" Tom asked amused high fiving her hands causing her to role her eyes. He then bent down and helped her up by her waisted.
"Oh You know-"
"-I heard something down here" called a voice from down the hall, Cass paled and started to try and limp away from the boys
"that's my queue gotta go" Tom and Albus looked at each other before Tom grabbed the girl and put her over his shoulder
"HEY!" she yelped causing them to chuckle "put me down!"
"What so you can struggle your way down the corridor just to get caught anyway?" Tom asked causing Cass to huff
Tom and Albus quickly but quietly made their way down the corridor and suddenly a door appeared next to them, causing Cass to gasp. Rushing inside, Albus looked around to see if anyone had saw them and Tom gently placed Cass on a sofa that was in the room.
"Wait....How....what-how did yo-....what?" She blinked confused
"Magic" Tom grinned amused
Albus laughed and walked to the door "I'll get everyone else, you two stay here"
"Wait! who are you-" Albus walked out of the door "-getting...."
Huffing she turned to Tom, ignoring his bemused expression "so where am I?"
Tom raised a brow "they didnt tell you?"
"If they did I wouldn't of asked"
"Oooo feisty I like it" he smirked, Cass rolled her eyes
"What year is it?"
"What do you mean what year is it?"
"I mean what I said what year is it?What's the date?"
"You didn't collapse in my arms for long enough for the year to change"
"Oh my god just tell me the fucking date" she hissed already getting frustrated by him
"Fine fine, Merlin" he huffed "February 20th, 1942"
Cass nodded numbly and mumbled under her breath " how time passes"
"So Miss. Im-going-to-run-away-from- my-problems, who where you running from?"
"Whoever was running after me obviously"
"Ha ha you funny" Cass grinned
"I know I am"
Tom rolled his eyes and watched as Cass' eyes became closer and closer till she shot them back open, this repeated for a few minutes before Tom sighed and pushed her so she was lying on the sofa.
"What are you-"
"-sleep" he said softly "I'll wake you up when Albus is back" Cass looked at him uncertainly
"Dont worry, I wont let anyone touch you"
Cass felt comfort in his words and sighed relaxing slightly. She closed her eyes and let sleep drag her into the dark obis fueled of nightmares and horrors.
But she felt safe, knowing someone was watching out for her. It helped her fall into slumber knowing that she would wake up in a safe place, not afraid of opening her eyes, and that she would actually wake up.
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I hope you had a fantastic day and you like chapter Four