The Rude Soul ~Chapter Six~

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16th February


"I'm back" Ablus said but lowered his voice after being hushed

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"I'm back" Ablus said but lowered his voice after being hushed. He quietly let everyone in before closing the door. In walked a 1st year Gryffindor
girl, a small ravenclaw and a hufflepuff

"So this is the girl you found" said a brown haired 1st year girl

Tom nodded

"Isnt she supposed to be in the infirmary?" She asked again

" yes "

"And instead shes here?"


"And we are okay with this?"



"-Merlin Minerva!" Cried Albus playfully

"We asked you here to help, not be an annoying 1st year" tom grumbled

Minvera huffed and walked over to the girl who was lying on the sofa.

"So what's here name?"

"...Cass" Tom said

"Last name?"

".....Cassiopeia Elizabeth Artic" Albus answered causing Minerva to laugh

A noise came from the brunette girl who opened her eyes, Tom had only just noticed that one of her eyes were a dark purple and one was light blue.

"What?" She grunted her face slightly wet

"Nothing" smiled Albus. He had a vibe that Cass didnt like, she didnt hate it but it irritated her, he just seemed to know everything without even saying a word. An awkward silence pasted as the group

"So....hows your leg?" Asked Minvera

Cass narrowed her eyes "stop"

"Stop what-"

"-the small talk, you should know that I hate small talk with a passion"


Seconds turned into minutes before Cass let out a irritated sigh

"Well? Introduce yourselves"

The group looked at each other

Oh look you've made them uncomfortable what a surprise. A voice drew out sarcastically

Where the hell have you been? Cass hissed back

Where the hell do you think? It's not like I can pack my bags and teleport out of your head

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