The Lost Soul ~Chapter One~

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16th February


It was dark. There was no stars in the sky instead a large brooding ash cloud, thrusting lightning, screaming thunder and crying rain. As the clouds morned the loss of the sun, they became oblivious to the young girl beneath them covered in bruises, burns and scars. She was running, running for her life or was she running from it?

The strong winds ragged the hollow trees of the dark forest and wormed it's way though every raging silence making it laugh and scream.

The brinette girl tripped and stumbled but quickly scrambled back up, running as fast as she could. Something was chasing her, she could hear its foot steps behind getting faster and faster. So she forced her tired legs to go faster, her heart stuck in her throat, blood pumping in her ears.

Run. Run. RUN. RUN!

It was like a broken record playing on repeat in her mind. She couldnt even remember what she was running from.

Run. Run. RUN! Dont stop. God please dont stop!

Her mind was so frantic that she didnt even notice the hole in the ground, or that her foot had gotten stuck in it. So she kept going causing a loud scream to piece the air followed by a clap of thunder.

"God damnit" she hissed. Forcing her foot out of the hole, she in took  sharply. Trying not to focus on the pain she closed her eyes and listened for the foot steps of the creature that was so intent on following her.

Rain, wind, trees, wind, rain, wind, trees, rain, rain.

BANG. Thunder

Rain, rain, wind, rain, trees, rain, wind, wind, trees, rain

BANG. Thunder

Trees, rain, rain, wind, trees, rain, wind, wind, rain, trees

CRUMPLE. Leaves being crush

Leaves being crush. Footsteps

Footsteps. People

People. Monster

Monster. Fuck

Rain. I need to hide

Wind. But where?

Trees. Get up!

Footsteps. GET UP!

Silence. It's here......

A loud scream cut through the air.

However it was not because the monster, that the girl was so afraid of, had appeared. Oh no, she screamed because two boy jumped out to defend the young girl. A stick in both there hands, determined looks on both there faces.

"Do you thinks it's gone Albus?" Asked the boy with dark curly hair and dark green eyes "whatever it was"

"I believe so, Tom" Albus said as he put his wand back in his robes and turned to the injured girl on the floor.

"Oh your injured!" He realised and bent down to help her up. The girl flinched away from his touch and curled into herself fear clouding her mind. Albus stopped and looked at the other boy for help.

Tom rolled his eyes and bent down in front of the girl, but far enough away so she was comfortable

"Hi" he smiled softly "I'm Tom Riddle-" he held out his hand, to which she flinched and look up into  his gentle eyes"-Were not going to hurt you. Were going to help, I promise"

The girl hesitated before holding his hand and letting him help her up. She grimaces at the pain in her leg, to which both of the boy noticed

"is your leg hurt?" Asked Albus, she nodded slowly

"Okay, I'm going to pick you up is that okay?" Tom asked, she hesitated before giving in with a sigh and nodded, she wanted to get out of this rain and her muddy clothing as soon as possible.

Tom bent down and wrapped his arms around her lower thighs and back, easily lifting her into his arms. Albus laughed slightly "how do you do that?"

Tom smirked and Albus rolled his eyes, knowing the answer he was going to get "Pure skill, my friend. Pure skill"

"So princes what's your name?" Tom asked looking at the exhausted girl in his arms. She looked at him for a second as if debating her options before closing her eyes and answering

".....Abi Cassiopeia Elizabeth Artic....."

"That's a long name"

"Like you can talk Albus yours is, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore "


Hi everyone! I hope you like the first chapter

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Hi everyone!
I hope you like the first chapter.
Have a lovely day!
Love you all!


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