The Dragon Games Finale (Chapter 17)

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It wasnt long after the suspicion started rising that a cloud of dragons emerged from the sea like a giant mob of teeth and claws.

Winger looked behind him, wondering what the dragons were gasping about and his eyes widened as the pack spread out, multicolored wings flashing. He turned to the hosts of the Dragon Games who were flying up from thier rock, avoiding the dragon's shocked gazes.

A black and white dragon swooped from above and landed instead on the stone spire, a purple-gray dragon following him. It took Winger a while but he regonized some features on the purple-gray dragon from Cutter and assumed she was a Skrill.

The first black adn white dragon though... He looked like a sharper version of the Ligthfury, with caculating green eyes and finned tail. 

Winger stumbled back as he made the connection that this dragon must be a Nigthfury, or at least a Nightfury hybrid.

"Thank you for... attending." The black and white dragon spoke, his voice full of ice shards.

Winger looked up in the sky, where the hosts of the Dragon Games were fluttering above, like they knew perfectly what was going on. He searched for Aura but then realized the pink-eyed scarred Lightfury wasnt among them.

He thought he saw a white flash of a tail disapear over the edge of the circle of dragons around the island.

"What's going on?" Dragons started whispering, "What's happening?" "Who is that?"

"Unfortunately..." The Nightfury-like dragon on the rock spire spoke agian, "We have to cut it short... You all will be escorted to our base as members... of the Red Rage rebellion."

Uproar rippled through the crowd, cries of outrage filled the air. Winger, surprised, stumbled back. The rebellion? Parrot told us about this! He thought.

Dragons started attempting to take flight and escape, but from the circle of dragons aroudn the island some broke off to keep the escapees on the ground. He heard grunt and roars as dragons were struck back down.

"Hey, hey." Winger heard a voice among the screeches of the angry dragons all around him.

He turned aroudn to see Aura motioning to Cutter, Burple and him to follow her. He spotted Summer and Aggro behind her. Winger realized the Rescue Riders were the only calm dragosn among the strom of angry roars.

Not knowing where else to go, Winger sucked down adn slowly but sureley followed Aura. He caught Cutter giving him a confused look. He followed as she slipped udneerneath the cloud of dragosn from the side of the island.

Winger turned around one more time and looked at all the rage-filled dragosn focused on the black and white dragon then turned back.


Burple followed Aura as fast as his iwngs could let him over the water. He huffed as he tried to keep up with her and the others. He could faintly hear Aura saying something, but it was lost in the frantic flapping of the dragon's wing and the distance Burple was from the Lightfury.

"Wait up guys!" Burple puffed, geniuenly tired. He had lost track of how much time had passed since they secretley left the island. One thing was sure was that he was falling behind.

"Burple, come on!" Summer stopped and hovered for a moment.

"I'm trying..." Burple said and flapped as hard as he could back to the others, who were waiting for him, "Maybe go a bit slower..."

"Im sorry but I want to get you guys back home as quick as possible. I want to see if theres other dragons that need my help..." Aura said, averting her gaze from everyone else.

"Why are you even helping us?" Cutter said, his voice full of suspicion.

"Because..." Aura hesitated for a moment, "Because I feel like the dragons of the Western Corner are to... well... It's just not right to take dragons that would barely stand a chance into a war..."

"Hey, were pretty tough!" Aggro said, her scales heating up.

"That's just it... your not. Thier are much more dangerous dragons out there, you havent even seen a fraction of it..." Aura said and continued to fly.

This time Burple tried to keep up, he focused on Winger's flying tips. However he failed to notice the ruined, wrecked, soaking wet Huttsgalor that they came up upon.

"What happened!?!" Summer gasped.

"BoulderDeath happened." Dak yelled from down below. Instantly everyone soared down to the Roost. Or what was left of the Roost.


Cutter watched Aura leave happily. He didnt trust that Lightfury, not at all...

He turned to Aggro who was heating up her scales to dry out all of Leyla's book which had gotten extremley wet and nearly ruined. She was staring at the Roost, which had caved in on itself due to the sheer power of the tsunami.

He sat down next to her, his tail brushing hers, "I hope Leyla's ok."

"I'm sure Summer will find her." Aggro said looking at him.

"Yea..." he responded.

There was a small pause and Cutter thought of other things to strat a conversation with.

"I still can't believe Parrot and Dak actually saw BoulderDeath. Isn't it supposed to be where if you see her your like... instantly dead. Well, anyway, I'm pretty sure those blast were by the BoulderDeath followers trying to draw someone out." He started.

He felt Aggro stiffen beside him at the mention of the BoulderDeath followers.

"Oops... sorry." Cutter said, realizing the topic of the BoulderDeath followers probally made Aggro uncormfortable.

"It's ok..." Aggro siad, leaning agianst him, which made Cutter's heart flip over.

"Yea, everythings gonna be alright..." Cutter said, relaxing his shoulders.

Maybe in the end, everything was gonna be alright.

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