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Recap: So after we all were attacked by Shellmon we were all just standing there watching Tai and Agumon fight against Shellmon. Tai got hurt which caused Agumon to evolve to Greymon and save the day!
"Yo, Agumon." Tai said.

"What's up, Tai?" Agumon asked walking over.

"I like it when you're Greymon, and no offense, but why don't you stay that way?" Tai asked.

"I can't. But even super heroes need their rest." Agumon joked.

Tai sighed at that and then lost his balance since he was standing too close to the cliff and Agumon grabbed his shorts, making him flail his arms and one leg around making us all laugh at how funny he looked.

We were all cut off by a roar and some rocks were destroyed by a black and white dinosaur that looked like a...triceratops I think it was called.

What is with this place and dinosaurs, they're supposed to be extinct.

"Who's that digimon?" asked Izzy.

"It's a Monochromon, but don't worry about him. He's a laid-back digimon." Tentomon assured.

"But it would be wise to be cautious of them. They came be quite miffed when they are hungry." the lady bug said.

"Then he must be starving, because he looks really mad!" Tai said.

"And I think he wants to eat us!" cried Mimi.

Monochromon started walking over to us, growling and we all stood our ground, but were surprised when we heard another growl from behind us and turned to see another one there.

Seriously, this is not funny.

"There's two of them!" Joe cried.

"We're stuck between a rock and two sets of teeth!" Matt said.

The two dinosaurs charged at each other, so we all dived down behind the large boulders that were thankfully behind us and just watched as they fought.

"Something must have set those Monochromon off." Tai said as he peered from behind the boulder.

"They're fighting over territory." Tentomon explained.

"They can just have it then!" Palmon ran off.

"Hey, don't leave without me!" Mimi ran after her and everyone else followed.

"They definitely don't need us hanging around!" Tai panted.

I heard someone trip and looked back to see that TK had tripped and Matt was kneeling down by him to help him up.

"Hey, you OK?" I called running over as TK got back up on his own two feet.

"Better hurry up, you guys!" I heard Tai call back to us.

"OK, we're coming!" TK said as he ran beside me, Diamon and Patamon close by.

As we ran I heard more growling and what sounded like a splash and really hoped that meant that those Monochromon threw themselves off the cliff.

Sorry, but I'd rather not be dino food today.


We were all still walking and the sun was starting to go down.

I was tired, hungry and really just wanted to pass out right now and from the looks of it, I wasn't the only one.

"I don't walk this much unless I am at a mall, and as you can see, we're nowhere near one!" she complained as she put her head on a tree.

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