Issues Facing Friendship

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Shadow and I were looking around in the forest trying to find where Matt and Gabumon had run off to while everyone was busy, but so far we couldn't find him.

"Matt!" I called.

"Gabumon! Come out, come out wherever you are!" Shadow called.

He sighed and then looked over at me.

"Maybe we should've told the others where we were going. I don't think Dramon and Tai are gonna be happy that we ran off on them." She said.

"I don't care about that. Matt needs help. Something's wrong with his Crest. I felt him try to use it, but it wouldn't work. We need to find him so we can help him out." I said.

We continued on as we walked out of the forest to find a crystal clear lake and saw that the trees and grass around it had a tint of blue to it.

It was nice around here, but we had no time to admire it, not when Matt needed us and I could feel it deep in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm the same jerk I always was." I heard someone saw.

Looking over, there across the lake was Mr. Cool himself along with Gabumon.

How long were they there without me knowing?

"It'll never happen. Not this way. I finally figured it out. If I ever want to change, I have to do it on my own. On my own. The others can't help me." Matt said sadly.

"What's he talking about?" Dia asked.

"Well, well, well. Look what we've got here." Someone said.

A large tree digimon came out of the forest and he gave off this evil aura along with this stupid smirk on his face as he peered down at Matt.

"Greetings nature lovers. What? You mean you've never seen a talking tree?" he asked.

"Not many." Matt said.

"Be careful. That's Cherrymon, Lord of the Forest and the best reason for the existence of termites. Stop right there or I'll turn you into toothpicks!" Gabumon said as he stood in front of Matt.

This feels like before when I just started out, getting separated from the others as I watched them do all the fighting and I didn't like it.

"You really shouldn't be that rude. Calm down. My fighting days are over. I only want to talk with you. In fact, you might even say I've turned over a new leaf." Cherrymon joked.

"No offense, but even if I felt like talking, it wouldn't be to a tree. See ya around." Matt said as he turned to leave.

That a boy, keep walking away from the psycho tree and don't you dare look back.

Sadly, Cherrymon wouldn't let him go so easy as he stretched out his arm to stop the duo of Friendship.

"Hey, what's the idea?" Matt asked.

"Young man, didn't anyone ever tell you, you should listen to your elders? Or was it redwoods you should listen to? I never can quite get those two straight. Anyway, I digress. So, you still stuck in the same place? Still the same old jerk you always were?" Cherrymon sneered making Matt gasp.

"Surprised huh? I know all about it. Must be tough being in such a rut." He said.

"You've been spying on me, huh?" Matt asked annoyed while the tree digimon chuckled.

"Listen to me, kid, I don't need to spy because there's nothing that happens in this forest that I don't know about." Cherrymon said.

"Huh. All right then, if you're so smart, what am I supposed to do? Tell me that!" Matt challenged.

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