Battle for Earth

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"It's WarGreymon. It says here his attack is Terra Force, gathering the energy around him and focussing it in the palm of his hand." Izzy said.

"MetalGarurumon has his Metal Wolf Claw attack. He shoots a powerful cold blast at his enemies and blows them to pieces." He continued as he searched them up on his laptop.

"Lastly, Divinamon a member of Royal Deities, creates a blade called Divine Justice with the help of her wristlets and she surrounds herself in a silver and gold aura lashing it out."

"Mega digimon. They digivolved into their Mega digimon forms." He said.

"That's great, because we'll need them to defeat VenomMyotismon." Tentomon said as we all stared at the three Megas.

"Yeah, that's for sure." Matt said.

"Good luck, I'll wait here." Tentomon said.

WarGreymon started the fight off by flying up and charging into the giant, sending him back as he was covered in an orb of orange light and VenomMyotismon fell down.

"Way to go, WarGreymon! You creamed him...I think." Izzy said.

We all ran to the van and got inside, Zephimon flying beside us as we followed the three Megas as they flew off to deal with VenomMyotismon as he started getting up.

"Wow, look at them go. Get after him, WarGreymon!" Tai cheered.

"Put his lights out." Kari smiled.

"Get him Divinamon!" I cheered.

VenomMyotismon rose from the ground, MetalGarurumon shooting out rockets at him that froze him.

"Frozen..." TK trailed off.

"Solid." Matt smiled.

The giant was an ice sculpture right then, but soon he shook off the ice as flames seemed to be coming off of him before they died down.

He then shot these rainbow lights out of his eyes, but Divinamon created a shield from her wrist armor blocking the blasts.

That's my girl!

Angered, VenomMyotismon then started shooting at the three again, but they flew out of the way.

Sadly, he hit one of the buildings we were driving up to and part of it broke off as it came falling down to us.

We all yelled, but then Zephimon swooped in and sent out a blast of violet lights, destroying it.

"Everybody out!" Mr. Ishida yelled as he stopped the van and we all cleared out.

"Get clear of the van." He called as we all ran away from where the beams were being blasted.

From all of the destruction going on, we wound up getting separated from each other and I was trying to find my siblings and friends, but with all of the smoke flying and dodging blasts, it made it hard.

A beam was then coming where I was, but a blur of black appeared in front of me and I was scooped up, flown away from the danger.

"You're just a danger magnet aren't you?" Zephimon asked making me laugh.

Looking at the fight, I saw Angewomon had a large boulder thrown at her and she was sent back to the ground, then MetalGarurumon was hit.

Angemon flew in to help, but VenomMyotismon backhanded him into a building where the adults were.

I saw a blur of blue, "Get her and the others out of the way. We don't want them to get hurt."

"Right!" Zephimon nodded as she took off.

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