The Crest of Sincerity

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Recap- Tai was forcing Agumon to digivole by stuffing him with food and risking his life. Agumon did digivole but into SkullGreymon, Tai feels miserable at what he's done.

After I was done crying, Dia walked me back over to the group, Matt asking if I was fine and I nodded to him, but avoided Tai's eyes not knowing how to act around him anymore.

I felt awful for the things I said and regretted them, but how would I tell him that?

What if he hated me now too?

The group was still walking through the desert, but it was way hotter than it was before.

"Man, this desert is so hot, even a lizard would need sunscreen." Matt said as everyone panted and groaned from the heat.

"Sora, can you carry me?" Biyomon asked.

"Not even." The orange haired girl said.

"The crew cut would look nice on you and its cooler." Tentomon said to Izzy.

"Do I look fat?" Gabumon asked.

"No, you look hot. Especially with the fur coat. That thing really needs a zipper." Matt said.

"Or maybe just removable shirt sleeves." The canine/lizard said.

"I haven't rested my feet." Gomamon whined.

"There's no place to sit, except on a cactus." Joe said.

"Great view up here." Tokomon said from his place on top TK's head.

"Next time I ride." The blonde panted.

"You look terrible, Koromon. If only I hadn't acted like such a bone head, you never would have digivolved." Tai said as he looked down at his weak partner in his arms, a pang of guilt throbbing in my chest as I remembered those things I said.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, although come to think of it, you really have made a super icky mess of things." Mimi giggled and I couldn't help but crack a small grin at the way she said it.

"Thanks, Mimi." Tai said sarcastically.

"Oh, don't mention it, Tai. I'm glad to help with the pep talk now and then." the pink-loving girl said making Tai crack a small smile.

You know, at first I never thought I would like her since she was all whiney and girly, but after this time we've spent together, I've learned that she's actually a great girl and friend.

She's also very honest about everything and everyone.

"I haven't sweated this much since cheerleader try outs." Mimi said as she took her hat off to whip away sweat, Palmon panting with her tongue hanging out.

"Koromon doesn't look so good. I'm worried." Tai said.

"You know what we need right now is a whole bunch of shade. A big umbrella or a really big tree. Or maybe I can grow into a giant cactus and smile down onto all of you as I provide cool, refreshing comfort." Palmon said making me smile despite the heat.

"It's official, the sun has just turned Palmon's brain into a French fry. Earth to Palmon. Come in." Matt called to the day dreaming plant/lizard.

"Palmon, look." Mimi said snapping her partner out of it as we all stared at the humongous cactus that was in front of us.

"Wow, I did that? Gee, I'm pretty amazing." Palmon said.

"Yeah, you better believe it, Palmon. Come on everybody, let's head for some shade."Tai said.

Everyone cheered as we all ran towards the cactus that was weirdly enough swaying back and forth looking really wobbly.

"What happened to the shade?" Tai asked when we stopped at the base of the cactus.

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