Chapter 4 1/2

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Ok, I can't get that sound from TikTok where the person says "stupid freaking dinosaur!" out of my head and it's kind of annoying but that is not the point.

Anyways, I wanted to know if you guys had any suggestions for the title, I know I mentioned it once or twice at the beginning or ending of a chapter but the title can't stay ":)" forever.

When I was writing the first few chapters, that was just a placeholder title until I came up with one or until you guys suggested something.

I have been so busy failing and school and getting sick (not with COVID-19, don't worry lol) that I can't think straight (or be straight🏳️‍🌈)

So that is why I am asking for your help choosing a title for this story that you guys like for some reason.

If someone doesn't suggest something soon, I might just make the title the first word of the first chapter which is-

(46 second gap of me checking)

-technically "If". If I have to make this an angsty, coming of age, gay side character love story, I am blaming it on you guys. But not really bc it's not your fault.

Anyways, thanks if you read all that, thanks even more if you commented a title suggestion.

Stupid freaking dinosaur.

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