[Pocky] Kuzusouda

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A/N- Top Fuyuhiko and Bottom Kazuichi because I don't think Kazuichi could top anyone including Fuyuhiko; also please check the end of this chapter for some announcements.

[Also fyi all of the odd ship chapters and usually my favorite ships, including this one.]

''Do you wanna do something other than just sitting down on my bed not even lookin' at each other? This is gettin' lame.'' Kazuichi asked the smaller boy, his pink eyes rolling at him.

''Hey! You fuckin' asked me to sleep over, don't have that kind of attitude or I'mma really make you cry.'' Fuyuhiko growled like a feral dog, his eyebrows furrowing.

''Jeez! Sorry... I'm just bored out of my mind babyface.'' Kazuichi teased him, slightly rubbing his short hair like some kind of child.

"The fuck did you just fucking call me?!" the shorter cursed out, slapping Kazuichi's hand away from his head.

"Nothing! I'mma go look for some board games or something.'' Kazuichi shut his mouth, standing up and going to look under his bed.

Fuyuhiko looked off to the side, observing every small detail of the pink-haired mechanic's room, the many machines in the works, papers filled with ideas pinned up to the walls and the many jumpsuits in his closet.

How'd he end up in Kazuichi's house? Well, he blames Sonia for that. Sonia found him gazing at Kazuichi and made him invite him over, telling Fuyuhiko that he should just confess to him already.

He couldn't pass it up, finally confessing after this long would be nice, even if he didn't return the feelings he just needed to get it out already.

What if he does like me back? Gah! I'm gonna fucking kill Sonia! Fuyuhiko thought in his mind, slightly looking over to Kazuichi, him not in his jumpsuit for once and in a white shirt with gray sweatpants, looking in a bag for something. Gulping at the thought of him returning his love.

"Found it!" Kazuichi suddenly spoke out, slightly making Fuyuhiko jump in surprise.

"What were you even looking for?" Fuyuhiko raised a brow at him, curious about what he found.

"This!" The mechanic pulled out a box of strawberry pocky, the other instantly became confused.

"How the fuck would that be a good game? If anything a game at all, you fucking idiot.'' Fuyuhiko scoffed, slamming his hand onto his face at the supposed idiot.

"Have you really never heard of the pocky game~?" Kazuichi asked, shaking the box slightly as he sat down next to the yakuza again.

Fuyuhiko tilted his head, confused as to what he met.

"Oh, you don't... not surprising though." The mechanic teased him, Fuyuhiko's eyes instantly shooting up with annoyance.

"Just tell me how to play this shitty game!" He'd growl at the remark.

"Alright alright, so basically two people have to put the two ends of the stick in their mouths, having to get to the middle to win. However if someone pulls away they are the loser." Kazuichi explained the game, Fuyuhiko's eyes widening at the thought of being so close.

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